K dispozícii na:
While you are going to have an immense joy playing Car Parking Fever, you will also learn how to better drive and park! FEATURES - Realistic car driving physics! - Realistic vehicle sounds! - Amazing graphics! - 7 different cars to play (more to come) - 21 different and fun levels (more to come) - Ability to customize your cars! HOW TO PLAY - To play Car Parking Fever, you can select from 3 different way of controlling the car. You can either chose to use an on-screen steering wheel, or to use your devices accelerometer to drive the car. If you are on PC, you can use your keyboard to drive! - Once in game, try to drive through the level without hiting anywhere on the way!
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Onur YILDIRIMVývojár:
Onur YILDIRIMDátum vydania
9. 1. 2017Približná veľkosť
179,94 MBHodnotenie podľa veku
Od 3 rokovKategória
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Túto aplikáciu získajte, keď ste prihlásení v konte Microsoft, a nainštalujte si ju až do desiatich zariadení s Windowsom 10.Podporované jazyky
English (United States)Informácie o vydavateľovi
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