K dispozícii na:
Have you craze of playing this crazy cargo game. in this game you try & prove your driving simulation skills by moving various kind of cargo from one place to another successfully and clear all levels in limited time duration. cross speed breaker carefully and slowly otherwise luggage fall on the road and your game will be over. keep your eye on timer, if you cannot reach on destination in limited time duration then game will be over. that's multi level game, in each level time duration, luggage or destination place are different. so try to play this city cargo game and enjoy the drive of Vigo vehicle. this vigo vehicle is different from other cargo games. how to play: - accelerator and brake button is on the left bottom side of the screen. - steering is on the right bottom side of the screen - keep your eye on timer
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Topi Tapi GamesDátum vydania
18. 11. 2015Približná veľkosť
28,06 MBHodnotenie podľa veku
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