

Fly Transporter: Airplane Pilot: Takeoff transporter plane from airports with practice sessions. Learn airplane flight. Aircraft will be facing storms in airplane race. Experience thrill of flying airport airbus. When you become skillful flight pilot simulation player, move to higher aircraft racing levels. Airplane transporter pilot races with airbus and cargo planes in flying simulator. With every level improve your skills in fly simulator until you’re ready for the next challenge. The pilot of airplane is ready to fly and race against air transporters in flight simulator. Experience 3D adventures of racing airbus from airport in high skies in storms. Flying simulator starting from airport features storms, rains, winds in 3d environments which makes takeoff from airport, landing, or flight in skies difficult. Plane can crash if you are not careful during plane race flight simulation. Start the engine, fly amazing planes, win airplane races, and feels the power of realistic planes while flying through various stunning locations. Explore the world of flying in a quality never seen before with this plane racing simulation featuring highly detailed planes with realistic physics. Take your seat in the cockpit. Conquer the sky! Fly Transporter Airplane Pilot Features include: - Airplane racing simulation - Airplane flight experience - Transporter plane models - Airplane race levels - Takeoff and landing practices - Detailed 3D environments - Stormy weather effects - Multiple views including cockpit - Realistic flying experience with 3D graphics and animations! Forget about repetitive games. In Fly Transporter Airplane Pilot, your duty includes taking off, racing in skies, and land safely on a tiny airstrip (or even on an aircraft carrier warship) The BEST flight racing simulator game on Windows Store . Become a maverick pilot and conquer the skies!

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Mega Gamers Production

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Mega Gamers Production


Mega Gamers Production

Datum izdaje

2. 02. 2016

Približna velikost

170,17 MB

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Za starost 3 leta in več



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