

Experience the ultimate challenge as you defend your base against waves of enemy forces in this new game mode for Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare. Terminus Firefight will let you build up your armies, towers, and defenses to survive against every UNSC, Banished, and Flood enemy imaginable. Try a sample of this new game mode in this free Windows 10 demo, playable in 4K UHD with HDR. Terminus Firefight is a game mode in the Awakening the Nightmare Expansion. If you would like to test your skills with the full version of Terminus Firefight and play the exciting new Awakening the Nightmare campaign, you will need to own a copy of Halo Wars 2. Demo is in English only. Full Game is localized per region.

Posnetki zaslona

Dodatne informacije


Microsoft Studios

Avtorske pravice

343 Industries


343 Industries / Creative Assembly

Datum izdaje

9. 10. 2017

Približna velikost

18,69 GB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 16 let in več



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Podprt jezik

English (United States)
English (United Kingdom)
Español (Argentina)
English (Australia)
Deutsch (Österreich)
Français (Belgique)
Nederlands (België)
Português (Brasil)
English (Canada)
Français (Canada)
Español (Chile)
Español (Colombia)
Dansk (Danmark)
Suomi (Suomi)
Français (France)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
English (Hong Kong SAR)
English (India)
English (Ireland)
English (Israel)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Español (México)
Nederlands (Nederland)
English (New Zealand)
Norsk Bokmål (Norge)
Polski (Polska)
Português (Portugal)
Русский (Россия)
English (Singapore)
English (Slovakia)
English (South Africa)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Svenska (Sverige)
Deutsch (Schweiz)
Français (Suisse)
Türkçe (Türkiye)

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