BrezplačnoPonuja nakupe znotraj aplikacije
+ Ponuja nakupe znotraj aplikacije


You love horses and you dream about collecting some in your own Park? With Horse Park Tycoon, you can arrange and decorate your Park the way you like it, and you can fill it with fabulous horses! Keep them healthy, discover all the different races, and manage the needs of your visitors to create the most popular Park! This will convince visitors from the whole world to come to visit you.

Posnetki zaslona


  • Collect 40 different races some of which are legendary!
  • 4 different environments: plain, savannah, mountain, and snow
  • Daily mini-games to receive exclusive rewards

Dodatne informacije



Avtorske pravice


Datum izdaje

20. 05. 2014

Približna velikost

121,66 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več

Ta aplikacija lahko

Dostop do internetne povezave


Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

Podprt jezik

English (United States)

Prijavite ta izdelek

Vpišite se in prijavite to igro Microsoftu
Prijavite ta izdelek zaradi nezakonite vsebine

Pravna izjava o zavrnitvi odgovornosti

Ta prodajalec je potrdil, da bo ponujal le izdelke ali storitve, skladne z veljavno zakonodajo