Ta igra ima brezplačno preskusno različico

2,99 €
2,99 €


*** This Game is not applicable to the win10 S system *** ------- KataGo is one of the most popular AI for GO Game, while playing chess with native katago requires using text commands instead of graphical interfaces. This application provides a graphic user interface specially designed for katago. Simply download this app you can play with katago. The inner Katago-AI is b20-block which is a baisc result of Meachine Training, it is strong enough for most human. This app provides 3 version: 2 cpu version and a gpu version (opencl) Cpu version is quite slow, so if your PC can run Gpu version, that is a good performance for gaming. Select your best version depending on your device before you start play. It may take time to config you pc when it run for first time. ------------------------------------ Note:This app call a release version of KataGO (from https://github.com/lightvector/KataGo), which is not suppported on Win10 S System.

Posnetki zaslona


  • go game

Dodatne informacije



Datum izdaje

4. 01. 2023

Približna velikost

162,22 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več



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Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

Podprt jezik

English (United States)
日本語 (日本)

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Spletno mesto za KataGO Game

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