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Here you can find the best movie soundtracks ever made! Do whatever you can to discover to what movie these songs belong. How to Play? Play is easy! You just have to listen to the soundtrack and guess what is the movie that has this music, write down the movie name and that's it! To make the game a little easier for you, you will have 18 tips to use. These tips are split in 4 categories: Movie Synopsys, Movie Release Date, Movie main Actors and posters. But, be careful, these tips are limited, so use them carefully! Score - Online high score for you to compare your progress with all world players Save - Save your current game. Load - Load the game previously saved. You can also challenge your friends, sharing your results on Facebook

Posnetki zaslona

Drugim je všeč tudi to:

Novosti v tej različici

Converted to an universal app. Bug Fixes


  • Game, movies, soundtrack, fun

Dodatne informacije


Jeferson Rosa Belzarena

Avtorske pravice

Belzarena 2015


Jeferson Rosa Belzarena

Datum izdaje

21. 06. 2015

Približna velikost

68,31 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več



Ta aplikacija lahko

Dostopajte do svoje internetne povezave in delujte kot strežnik.
Dostop do internetne povezave


Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

Podprt jezik

English (United States)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Português (Brasil)
Português (Portugal)

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