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+ Ponuja nakupe znotraj aplikacije


Welcome to the 21st Anniversary Edition of Enigma as we continue to bring you the best in classic board, card and puzzles. Enjoy. Enigma requires you to use all your powers of deductive reasoning to crack the code at the master level. The objective of the game of Enigma is to discover a hidden sequence of pieces in the shortest number of turns. The game begins with the computer creating a hidden sequence of pieces. The number of pieces in the sequence, the total number of pieces that may be used and whether a sequence may contain duplicate pieces is determined by the current level of difficulty. The hidden sequence is discovered by making a series of “guesses” as to its’ content. As each guess is made, it is checked against the hidden sequence and clues as to its accuracy are displayed. For each level of difficulty there is a maximum number of guesses that can be made. If the hidden sequence is discovered within this limit, the game has been won. Please note, this game is ad-funded. We generate income to pay for the support and development of the game from advertising.

Posnetki zaslona

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Novosti v tej različici

Relieve boredom, have fun and exercise your mind all at the same time with the 21st Anniversary Edition of this classic puzzle game. * Smoother more refined UI and game play. * Updated dependent SDKs * A number of bug fixes.


  • Multiple levels of play, ranging from beginner to expert.
  • Highly addictive game-play.

Dodatne informacije


ZingMagic Limited

Avtorske pravice

Copyright ZingMagic Limited


ZingMagic Limited

Datum izdaje

28. 01. 2016

Približna velikost

26,67 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več

Ta aplikacija lahko

Dostop do internetne povezave


Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

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Português (Portugal)
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Türkçe (Türkiye)

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