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4,99 €


Mind Games Pro is the unlimited, ad-free edition, of the hit brain training app. It is a great collection of games based, in part, on principles of cognitive psychology to help you practice different mental skills. This app includes over 24 brain exercising games. All games include your score history and a graph of your progress. Using some principles of standardized testing, your scores are also converted to a standardized scale so that you can see where you need work and excel. Attention Training Game - Exercise your attention. Based on the flanker attention task. Practice your ability to ignore competing information and processing speed. Abstraction - Practice your ability to differentiate abstract from concrete words. Anticipation - Divide your attention to anticipate future responses. Divided Attention - Practice your ability to divided your attention. Face Memory - Memorize a group of faces and then see if you can recall them. Math Star - Practice your basic arithmetic skills, speed, and attention to detail. Memory Flow - Practice your learning and memory and attention to details with visual stimuli. Memory Match - Practice your memory for completed tasks. Memory Racer - Practice for your working memory and processing speed. Mental Categories - Practice your processing speed and quick categorization skills. Mental Flex - Practice your mental flexibility. Grid Memory - Memorize the locations of the tiles that change with increasing numbers of tiles. Self-Ordered Learning - Practice your learning strategies and memory. Speed Trivia - Test and improve your knowledge of general trivia and information. Vocabulary Power - Improve your word knowledge and vocabulary. Vocabulary Star - Improve your vocabulary and spelling skills. Object Memory - Test and practice your visual memory skills for remembering objects. Word Memory - Memorize 30 words and see if you can recognize them.

Posnetki zaslona

Drugim je všeč tudi to:

Novosti v tej različici

This version introduces a great new look and many updates and improvements.


  • brain training games
  • standardized scores
  • account system for preserving scores
  • creation of multiple accounts
  • score history and graphs

Dodatne informacije


Mindware Consulting Inc

Avtorske pravice

Copyright (C) by Mindware Consulting, Inc.

Datum izdaje

28. 12. 2013

Približna velikost

41,62 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več

Ta aplikacija lahko

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Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

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English (United States)

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