

Kill before you killed Snipe your Sniper and take a perfect shot and prove yourself a best contract killer of the Assassin world. As a sniper, the maximum essential issue is to loosen up, open the 8 instances scope, purpose and pull the trigger. One shot one kill. Find the exceptional region, in a hidden location, open fireplace when the enemy isn't always paying interest, then shoot. Leave quietly, that is the mission of a sniper. Pay attention to shielding your self, the evil forces have additionally hired a set of snipers. They are hiding in the dark and ambushing you - the patron saint of the town. Be prepared to combat with them and continue to exist to preserve justice and equity.

Posnetki zaslona

Drugim je všeč tudi to:


  • Ultra realistic 3D graphics and cool animations- Addicting FPS gameplay- Easy and intuitive controls- real shooting and sniper effects- Breathtaking 3D graphics and intuitive easy controls

Dodatne informacije


Jaingo Games


Datum izdaje

14. 06. 2019

Približna velikost

149,35 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 18 let in več

Ta aplikacija lahko

Dostop do internetne povezave
Dostopajte do svoje internetne povezave in delujte kot strežnik.


Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.

Podprt jezik

English (United States)

Dodatni pogoji

Pogoji transakcije

Prijavite ta izdelek

Vpišite se in prijavite to igro Microsoftu
Prijavite ta izdelek zaradi nezakonite vsebine

Pravna izjava o zavrnitvi odgovornosti

Ta prodajalec je potrdil, da bo ponujal le izdelke ali storitve, skladne z veljavno zakonodajo