Na voljo:
Rento is multiplayer business dice game. It is board game for 2 to 6 players. Trade lands, build houses, win auctions, roll wheel of fortune, risk in Russian Roulette and most importantly - have fun. Obtain monopoly over the game board and bankrupt the other players in order to win. If you like Ludo or family dice games - you will like Rento too :) The game is live MULTIPLAYER so you can play with your friends on Steam and family remotely and also you can play versus players on our website. You can play the game in 3 modes: -ONLINE (vs real people live) and vs your Steam friends -SOLO (versus AI robots) -Pass 'N Play (Pass the same device to others) Enjoy the first and only true online multiplayer business game in the market.
Novosti v tej različici
-Added new 3D board, strategy cards, auction mode and many other features -Added Wheel Of Fortune and Russian Roulette
Dodatne informacije
LAN - GAMES EOODAvtorske pravice
LAN - GAMES EOODRazvijalec:
LAN - GAMES EOODDatum izdaje
7. 07. 2016Približna velikost
1,35 GBStarostna ocena
Za starost 3 leta in večKategorija
S kartami in namizneTa aplikacija lahko
Dostop do internetne povezaveDostopajte do svoje internetne povezave in delujte kot strežnik.
Dostop do domačega ali službenega omrežja
Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.Pripomočki za osebe s posebnimi potrebami
Razvijalec izdelka meni, da ta izdelek izpolnjuje zahteve glede dostopnosti, zato ga lažje uporabljajo prav vsi.Podprt jezik
English (United States)Informacije o izdajatelju
Spletno mesto za Rento - Realize your monopolyPodpora za Rento - Realize your monopoly
Prijavite ta izdelek
Prijavite ta izdelek zaradi nezakonite vsebine