

Speed a card game also known as Spit or Slam, is very fast-paced game and it could result in damage to the cards -- so play this one and don't ruin your actual playing cards. Speed is a game for two players of the shedding family of card games, in which each player tries to get rid of all of his cards. Speed is a game associated with the game Nertz. Controls: Drag the cards Objective: To play all your cards first. How to Play: -Each player is dealt five cards to form a hand, and each player is dealt 15 cards face down to form a draw pile. If you are playing with jokers, you use them as wild cards and give each draw pile 16 cards. A stack of five cards, placed face down on each side between the players, serves as a replacement pile. Finally, two cards are placed face down in the center between the replacement piles. -You may play a card in your hand by discarding it in the "Play Pile" if the card is 1 number/value higher or lower. (e.g. 5 can be played on a 6 or 4, a Queen can be played on a King or Jack) -A 2 may be played on an Ace and a Ace may be played on a 2. -You may have up to 5 cards in your hand at a single time. When you have less than 5 cards in your hand you may draw from your "Draw Pile" -First player to play all of his/her cards wins! Speed the card game

Posnetki zaslona

Drugim je všeč tudi to:


  • Realistic game play
  • Achievements
  • Multiplayer
  • Statistics
  • Multi-touch
  • Many levels of difficulty

Dodatne informacije


Jimmy Dickinson

Avtorske pravice

Copyright © 2019, JD Software LLC

Datum izdaje

22. 10. 2012

Približna velikost

31,84 MB

Starostna ocena

Za starost 3 leta in več

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