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Vocabulary is Fun! Learn English with vocabulary word games. Vocabulary Quiz Game helps you learn new English words and play games that improve your vocabulary. You will be given the meaning of a word and your job is to spell the word correctly. Suitable for kids, high school students, learners of the English language or anyone who want to test their vocabs. Download now! Be warned though as it's highly addictive!
Dodatne informacije
borneo mobileRazvijalec:
borneo mobileDatum izdaje
7. 01. 2016Približna velikost
4,89 MBStarostna ocena
Za starost 3 leta in večKategorija
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Prenesite to aplikacijo, ko ste vpisani v Microsoftov račun, in jo namestite v največ deset naprav s sistemom Windows 10.Podprt jezik
English (United States)Informacije o izdajatelju
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