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Tools for developers

Software Developers

Experience the possibilities when you shop Microsoft Store for the latest software developer tools, software, and accessories. We have everything you need to successfully build applications, connect with other developers, boost productivity, and more. Shop the latest developer tools today.

When it comes to developer software, Microsoft delivers exactly what every developer needs. Discover different suites of Visual Studio, which helps you to build applications across multiple platforms. Depending on the suite you select, you can work in a unified IDE to create solutions for the web, desktop, cloud, server, and phone; examine and refine code quality; provision and manage virtual lab environments for testing; use project management tools to coordinate your team; and much more.

Step up to even greater productivity when you shop our Accessories designed with developers in mind. From comfort curve and ergonomic keyboards to wireless mice and headsets, you'll find everything you need to enhance your creativity and get more done during the workday.