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Helping all founders achieve more

Learn how our founders were able to stretch limited resources and boost their startups with Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub.

What founders say

Founders share their experiences getting the most out of Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub.

CEO of Duhqa, Victor Maina

Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub does what so many accelerators don’t

it provides long term support and benefits for startups that we can use as our company grows. It has been instrumental to the success of Duhqa.

-Victor Maina, CEO & Co-Founder, Duhqa

Access to enterprise customers is important for us, and so aligning our startup with Microsoft was a no brainer.

Through Founders Hub and Azure we now have a path for listing our application in the Microsoft Commercial Marketplace, which will be key for us as we look to acquire more customers.

-Raluca Crisan, CEO & Co-Founder, Etiq.AI

CEO of Etiq.AI, Raluca Crisan
CEO of Tuniverse, Inbal Colley-Croitoru

Azure credits allowed us to build

and maintain both development and simulated production environments with minimal fuss and without prohibitive costs. Being part of Founders Hub led us to being approached by some very interesting an large firms.

-Inbal Colley-Croitoru, CEO & Co-Founder, Tuniverse

The Azure Technical Advisory (ATA) benefit helped us

with key technology insights, and being a part of the program helped us pass industry audits. Joining Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub has been instrumental to the success of PubHive’s AI-powered SaaS platform for life science companies.

-Raj Vaghela, CEO & Founder, PubHive

CEO of PubHive, Raj Vaghela
CEO of Olaris, Dr. Elizabeth O’Day

I’m a first time, youngish CEO

and a woman scientist. Having a Microsoft stamp of approval has been invaluable.

-Dr. Elizabeth O’Day, CEO & Founder, Olaris

We carried out experimental development

and migrated our anti-fraud SMS-phishing solution to the cloud. We were able to deploy and host the solution via Azure’s App Service thanks to the credits we got from Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub.

-George Brown, CEO & Founder, PORGiESOFT

CEO of PORGiESOFT, George Brown
CEO of Bumpy, Elin Øyre

Getting free access to Microsoft technology and software has been huge

for our small, bootstrapped startup. Every little bit helps in the early days, and we are taking full advantage of the program as we grow and scale.

-Elin Øyre, CEO & Co-Founder, Bumpy

Azure credits have been incredibly helpful

to offset costs and preserve runway for our bootstrapped company. Multiple inboxes in Office 365 for Business makes it easier to wear the many different caps you sometimes need in a startup.

-Mathias Grund Sorensen, CEO & Founder, Adless

CEO of Adless, Mathias Grund Sorensen
CEO of HAAT Delivery, Hasan Abasi

The Microsoft for Startups program helped us get our business off the ground

especially the access to Microsoft’s industry experts and free credits on Azure and GitHub. The program has helped us work more efficiently, and we have been able to grow much faster than we would have without it. Founders Hub is a great place for startup founders to connect with like-minded people, learn from industry experts, and help those new to entrepreneurship get started. Participating in this program enables you to just focus on what matters most: your company.

-Hasan Abasi, CEO & Co-Founder, HAAT Delivery

Startups are insanely hard. Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub gave me the hope I needed to rise

All our API Tests and deployment to Azure are automated using GitHub. I feel like a spoiled kid with all these resources.

-Bobai Kato, Founder, Public Gives

Founder of Public Gives, Bobai Kato

Take your idea to the next stage with Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub

Sign up for Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub for up to USD$150,000 in Azure credits, access to Microsoft tools and 1:1 technical advice and mentoring.

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