

Unlike most video games, Ear Hockey can be played by listening to the in-game audio alone; visuals aren’t necessary. It uses unique spatial audio cues to signal to the player where they are in the play-space and where the main game object, the ball, is traveling. The player controls a paddle from the first-person perspective. They can hear and/or see the ball traveling around the court, which is at eye level. The goal of the game is to hit the ball back and forth with a partner or computer player until one player misses the ball with their paddle; this scores a point for the other player. With each hit, the ball speeds up slightly, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement. The first player to score seven points wins the match. Audio feedback: Ball audio – A fine-tuned combination of low-frequency humming and high-frequency ticking, along with other contextual sound effects, makes the ball easy to locate with audio alone Player location cues – Unique sounds indicating the side walls and center point of the court let the player know where they are at all times Opponent feedback – Similar “paddle impact” sounds play for both the player and their opponent, indicating when and where the opponent has hit the ball

Ekran görüntüleri


  • 3D spatial audio
  • Tutorial for first-time players
  • Original music tracks
  • Narration-guided gameplay and menu navigation
  • High-contrast mode
  • Keyboard and controller support

Ek bilgiler


Microsoft Corporation

Çıkış tarihi


Yaklaşık boyutu

106,11 MB

Yaş derecelendirmesi

3 yaş ve üzeri için



Bu uygulamayla yapılabilecekler

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See your current and past surroundings


Microsoft hesabınıza oturum açtığınızda bu uygulamayı edinin ve en fazla on Windows 10 cihazına yükleyin.


Ürün geliştiricisi, bu ürünün erişilebilirlik gereksinimlerini karşıladığını ve herkes için kullanım kolaylığı sağladığını düşünüyor.

Dil destekleniyor

English (United States)

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