

Farkle is a popular dice game which is played using 6 six-sided dice. The game requires players to roll dice and score for certain combinations. The objective of the game is to score the winning total of 10000. Players take turn to roll 6 dice. After each roll player is required to set aside at least one or more scoring dice (a one, or a five, or any other scoring combination). After each throw player has to decide to either bank the points accumulated in the particular turn, or continue throwing the dice. The player must have at least one scoring dice in each throw, otherwise they "farkle" and lose all points accumulated for the turn. The first player to score 10000 points wins the game. Check complete rules of this classic version in the game and play against bot or another player on the same device. Rate us and provide feedback to further improve the game.

Ekran görüntüleri


  • Beautiful Graphics
  • Play against bot or local multiplayer
  • Check play history during the game

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Çıkış tarihi


Yaklaşık boyutu

9,66 MB

Yaş derecelendirmesi

3 yaş ve üzeri için

Bu uygulamayla yapılabilecekler

İnternet bağlantınıza erişin


Microsoft hesabınıza oturum açtığınızda bu uygulamayı edinin ve en fazla on Windows 10 cihazına yükleyin.

Dil destekleniyor

English (United States)

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İşlem koşulları

Bu ürünü bildir

Oturum aç bu oyunu Microsoft'a bildirmek için
Bu üründe yasadışı içerik olduğunu bildirin

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