Şurada mevcut
The wonderful world of the Magic Islands is in desparate need of magic to help restore the waning natural beauty of their ancient cities with a new wild energy. Tons of mythical creatures await your help throughout these scattered island. You are their only hope to be saved, fix these wonderful magic lands back to their former beauty! Mahjong: Magic Islands features classic mahjong solitaire in a uniquely original visual format. Collecting components for magic spells adds a fun layer to the gameplay, and meeting cute magical creatures to help out gives the varied levels of the game more significant depth. * The mysterious worlds of the Magic Islands await discovery. * Journey through the Mahjong Magic Islands solving fun brain teasers. * Meet mysterious and mythical creatures, and help them on their way! * Hunt down magic ingredients and make magic spells.
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Rainbow GamesÇıkış tarihi
1.11.2017Yaklaşık boyutu
273,04 MBYaş derecelendirmesi
3 yaş ve üzeri içinKategori
Kart ve kutu oyunlarıBu uygulamayla yapılabilecekler
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Microsoft hesabınıza oturum açtığınızda bu uygulamayı edinin ve en fazla on Windows 10 cihazına yükleyin.Erişilebilirlik
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