// vid team slider.js define("observableComponent", ["require", "exports", "htmlExtensions"], function(n, t, i) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = function() { function n(t, i) { i === void 0 && (i = null); this.element = t; this.ignoreNextDOMChange = !1; this.observing = !1; n.shouldInitializeAsClass(t, i) && this.setObserver() } return n.prototype.detach = function() { this.unObserve(); this.teardown() } , n.prototype.isObserving = function() { return this.observing } , n.prototype.unObserve = function() { this.observing = !1; this.modernObserver && this.modernObserver.disconnect(); i.removeEvent(this.element, i.eventTypes.DOMNodeInserted, this.obsoleteNodeInsertedEventHander); i.removeEvent(this.element, i.eventTypes.DOMNodeRemoved, this.obsoleteNodeRemovedEventHandler) } , n.prototype.setObserver = function() { this.observing = !0; typeof n.mutationObserver != "undefined" ? this.observeModern() : "MutationEvent"in window && this.observeObsolete() } , n.prototype.observeModern = function() { var t = this , i = function(n) { t.onModernMutations(n) }; this.modernObserver = new n.mutationObserver(i); this.modernObserver.observe(this.element, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }) } , n.prototype.onModernMutations = function(n) { var r, u, f, e, i, o, t, s; if (this.ignoreNextDOMChange) { this.ignoreNextDOMChange = !1; return } for (r = !1, u = !1, f = 0, e = n; f < e.length; f++) { for (i = e[f], t = 0, o = i.addedNodes.length; t < o; t++) i.addedNodes[t].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (r = !0, u = !0); for (t = 0, s = i.removedNodes.length; t < s; t++) i.removedNodes[t].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (r = !0, i.removedNodes[t] !== this.element && (u = !0)) } r && this.teardown(); u && this.update() } , n.prototype.observeObsolete = function() { var n = this; this.obsoleteNodeInsertedEventHander = i.addDebouncedEvent(this.element, i.eventTypes.DOMNodeInserted, function() { n.onObsoleteNodeInserted() }); this.obsoleteNodeRemovedEventHandler = i.addDebouncedEvent(this.element, i.eventTypes.DOMNodeRemoved, function(t) { n.onObsoleteNodeRemoved(t) }) } , n.prototype.onObsoleteNodeInserted = function() { this.ignoreNextDOMChange || (this.teardown(), this.update()) } , n.prototype.onObsoleteNodeRemoved = function(n) { this.ignoreNextDOMChange || (this.teardown(), i.getEventTargetOrSrcElement(n) !== this.element && this.update()) } , n.shouldInitializeAsClass = function(t, i) { var r = t ? t.getAttribute(n.mwfClassAttribute) : null , u = t ? t.getAttribute(n.initializeAttribute) : null; return u === "false" ? !1 : !!t && (!r || !!i && r === i.mwfClass) } , n.mwfClassAttribute = "data-mwf-class", n.initializeAttribute = "data-js-initialize", n.mutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver, n }(); t.ObservableComponent = r }); define("htmlExtensions", ["require", "exports", "stringExtensions"], function(n, t, i) { "use strict"; function e(n, t, i, f) { var e, o, s; for (f === void 0 && (f = !1), e = 0, o = u(n); e < o.length; e++) s = o[e], y(s, i, f, r[t]) } function g(n, t, r, f) { var e, s, l, o, h, c; if (f === void 0 && (f = !1), !i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(t)) for (e = 0, s = u(n); e < s.length; e++) for (l = s[e], o = 0, h = t.split(/\s+/); o < h.length; o++) c = h[o], i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(c) || y(l, r, f, c) } function nt(n, t, r, f) { var e, s, l, o, h, c; for (f === void 0 && (f = !1), e = 0, s = u(n); e < s.length; e++) for (l = s[e], o = 0, h = u(t); o < h.length; o++) c = h[o], i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(c) || d(l, r, f, c) } function tt(n) { n = v(n); n && (n.preventDefault ? n.preventDefault() : n.returnValue = !1) } function it(n, t, i, r) { r === void 0 && (r = 150); var f, u = 0, o = function(n) { var t = Date.now(); f && (clearTimeout(f), f = undefined); !!u && t < u + r ? f = setTimeout(function() { u = Date.now(); i(n) }, r - (t - u)) : (u = t, i(n)) }; return e(n, t, o), o } function rt(n, t, r, f, e) { function p(n) { var i, t = 0; return function(r) { var u = Date.now(); clearTimeout(i); !!t && u < t + e ? i = setTimeout(function() { t = u; n(r) }, e - (u - t)) : (t = u, n(r)) } } var o, h, a, s, c, l, v; if (f === void 0 && (f = !1), e === void 0 && (e = 150), !i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(t)) for (o = 0, h = u(n); o < h.length; o++) for (a = h[o], s = 0, c = t.split(/\s+/); s < c.length; s++) l = c[s], i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(l) || (v = p(r), y(a, v, f, l)) } function ut(n, t, i, r) { r === void 0 && (r = 150); var u, f = function(n) { window.clearTimeout(u); u = setTimeout(function() { i(n) }, r) }; return e(n, t, f), f } function ft(n, t) { if (t === void 0 && (t = 5e3), document.readyState === "complete") { n.call(null); return } if (!document.attachEvent && document.readyState === "interactive") { n.call(null); return } var o, i, u, f = function() { clearTimeout(o); i && c(document, r.DOMContentLoaded, i); u && c(document, r.onreadystatechange, u); l.requestAnimationFrame.call(window, n) }; if (o = setTimeout(function() { f("timedout") }, t), document.addEventListener) { i = function() { f("domcontentloaded") } ; e(document, r.DOMContentLoaded, i, !1); return } document.attachEvent && (u = function() { document.readyState === "complete" && f("readystatecomplete") } , e(document, r.onreadystatechange, u, !1)) } function et(n, t) { t === void 0 && (t = 5e3); var i, u = setTimeout(function() { clearTimeout(u); c(window, r.load, i); n.call(null) }, t); i = function() { clearTimeout(u); l.requestAnimationFrame.call(window, n) } ; document.readyState === "complete" ? (clearTimeout(u), n.call(null)) : e(window, r.load, i) } function p(n, t) { !n || i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(t) || b(n, t) || (n.classList ? n.classList.add(t) : n.className = i.trim(n.className + " " + t)) } function w(n, t) { var o, e, s, r, f; if (!!n && !i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(t)) for (o = " " + i.trim(t) + " ", e = 0, s = u(n); e < s.length; e++) if (r = s[e], r.classList) r.classList.remove(t); else if (!i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(r.className)) { for (f = " " + r.className + " "; f.indexOf(o) > -1; ) f = f.replace(o, " "); r.className = i.trim(f) } } function ot(n, t) { var i, r, u; if (t) for (i = 0, r = t; i < r.length; i++) u = r[i], w(n, u) } function st(n, t) { var i, r, u; if (t) for (i = 0, r = t; i < r.length; i++) u = r[i], p(n, u) } function ht(n, t) { var u, f, r; if (n && t) for (u = 0, f = t; u < f.length; u++) r = f[u], i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(r.name) || i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(r.value) || n.setAttribute(r.name, r.value) } function b(n, t) { return !n || i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(t) ? !1 : n.classList ? n.classList.contains(t) : (" " + n.className + " ").indexOf(" " + i.trim(t) + " ") > -1 } function ct(n) { return n ? n.parentElement.removeChild(n) : n } function lt(n, t) { return h(n, t) } function at(n, t) { var i = h(n, t); return !i || !i.length ? null : i[0] } function h(n, t) { var r, u; if (i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(n) || n === "#") return []; if (r = t || document, /^[\#.]?[\w-]+$/.test(n)) { switch (n[0]) { case ".": return r.getElementsByClassName ? o(r.getElementsByClassName(n.slice(1))) : o(r.querySelectorAll(n)); case "#": return u = r.querySelector(n), u ? [u] : [] } return o(r.getElementsByTagName(n)) } return o(r.querySelectorAll(n)) } function vt(n, t) { var i = h(n, t); return !i || !i.length ? null : i[0] } function yt(n, t) { var o = t || document, u, f, i, r, e; for (u = n.split(","), i = 0, r = u; i < r.length; i++) e = r[i], f += this.selectElements(e, o); return f } function o(n) { var i, t; if (!n) return []; for (i = [], t = 0; t < n.length; t++) i.push(n[t]); return i } function pt(n) { for (n === void 0 && (n = document.documentElement); n !== null; ) { var t = n.getAttribute("dir"); if (!t) n = n.parentElement; else return t === "rtl" ? s.right : s.left } return s.left } function a(n) { var i, t, r; if (n) { i = n.getBoundingClientRect(); t = {}; for (r in i) t[r] = i[r]; return typeof t.width == "undefined" && (t.width = n.offsetWidth), typeof t.height == "undefined" && (t.height = n.offsetHeight), t } } function wt(n) { if (n) return { width: parseFloat(a(n).width) + parseFloat(f(n, "margin-left")) + parseFloat(f(n, "margin-right")), height: parseFloat(a(n).height) + parseFloat(f(n, "margin-top")) + parseFloat(f(n, "margin-bottom")) } } function f(n, t, r) { if (!n) return null; if (!r && r !== "") return r = n.style[t], i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(r) && (r = getComputedStyle(n), r = r[t]), r; n.style[t] = r } function c(n, t, i, f) { var e, o, s; if (n && t && i) for (e = 0, o = u(n); e < o.length; e++) s = o[e], d(s, i, f, r[t]) } function k(n) { return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(n) : {}.toString.call(n) === "[object Array]" } function u(n) { return n ? k(n) ? n : typeof n == "string" ? n.split(/\s+/) : [n] : [] } function bt(n, t) { return !!n && n !== t && n.contains(t) } function kt(n, t) { return !!n && n.contains(t) } function dt(n) { return !n ? "" : n.textContent || n.innerText || "" } function gt(n, t) { !n || t === null || (n.textContent ? n.textContent = t : n.innerHTML = t) } function ni(n) { n && (n.innerHTML = "") } function ti(n) { return n = v(n), n.target || n.srcElement } function v(n) { return n || window.event } function y(n, t, i, r) { i === void 0 && (i = !1); !n || (window.addEventListener ? n.addEventListener(r, t, i) : n.attachEvent("on" + r, t)) } function d(n, t, i, r) { i === void 0 && (i = !1); !n || (window.removeEventListener ? n.removeEventListener(r, t, i) : n.detachEvent("on" + r, t)) } function ii(n, t, i) { if (i === void 0 && (i = {}), !n || !t) return null; var f = typeof t == "string" ? t : r[t] , u = null; if (i.bubbles = typeof i.bubbles == "undefined" ? !0 : i.bubbles, i.cancelable = typeof i.cancelable == "undefined" ? !0 : i.cancelable, window.CustomEvent && typeof CustomEvent == "function") u = new CustomEvent(f,i), i.changedTouches && i.changedTouches.length && (u.changedTouches = i.changedTouches); else if (document.createEvent) u = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"), u.initCustomEvent(f, i.bubbles, i.cancelable, i.detail), i.changedTouches && i.changedTouches.length && (u.changedTouches = i.changedTouches); else { u = document.createEventObject(); try { n.fireEvent("on" + f, u) } catch (e) { return undefined } return u } return n.dispatchEvent(u), u } function ri(n) { n.stopPropagation ? n.stopPropagation() : n.returnValue = !1 } function ui(n) { return n === void 0 && (n = window), n.scrollY || n.pageYOffset || (n.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? n.document.documentElement.scrollTop : n.document.body.scrollTop) } function fi(n) { if (!n) return window.document.documentElement; for (var i = n.ownerDocument.documentElement, t = n.offsetParent; t && f(t, "position") == "static"; ) t = t.offsetParent; return t || i } function ei(n, t) { if (n && t) { var i = t.clientHeight , r = t.scrollHeight; r > i && (t.scrollTop = Math.min(n.offsetTop - t.firstElementChild.offsetTop, r - i)) } } function oi(n) { return typeof n.complete != "undefined" && typeof n.naturalHeight != "undefined" ? n && n.complete && n.naturalHeight > 0 : !0 } function si(n) { return n && typeof n.complete != "undefined" && typeof n.naturalHeight != "undefined" ? n && n.complete && n.naturalWidth == 0 && n.naturalHeight == 0 : !1 } function hi(n) { var i = n.touches && n.touches.length ? n.touches : [n] , t = n.changedTouches && n.changedTouches[0] || i[0]; return { x: t.clientX, y: t.clientY } } function ci(n, t) { for (var i = n.matches || n.webkitMatchesSelector || n.mozMatchesSelector || n.msMatchesSelector; n; ) { if (i.call(n, t)) break; n = n.parentElement } return n } function li(n, t) { t === void 0 && (t = !0); !!n && (window.PointerEvent || window.navigator.pointerEnabled) && f(n, "touchAction", t ? "pan-y pinch-zoom" : "pan-x pinch-zoom") } var l, s, r; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), function(n) { n.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || function(n) { typeof n == "function" && window.setTimeout(n, 16.7) } }(l = t.SafeBrowserApis || (t.SafeBrowserApis = {})), function(n) { n[n.right = 0] = "right"; n[n.left = 1] = "left" }(s = t.Direction || (t.Direction = {})), function(n) { n[n.animationend = 0] = "animationend"; n[n.blur = 1] = "blur"; n[n.change = 2] = "change"; n[n.click = 3] = "click"; n[n.DOMContentLoaded = 4] = "DOMContentLoaded"; n[n.DOMNodeInserted = 5] = "DOMNodeInserted"; n[n.DOMNodeRemoved = 6] = "DOMNodeRemoved"; n[n.ended = 7] = "ended"; n[n.error = 8] = "error"; n[n.focus = 9] = "focus"; n[n.focusin = 10] = "focusin"; n[n.focusout = 11] = "focusout"; n[n.input = 12] = "input"; n[n.load = 13] = "load"; n[n.keydown = 14] = "keydown"; n[n.keypress = 15] = "keypress"; n[n.keyup = 16] = "keyup"; n[n.loadedmetadata = 17] = "loadedmetadata"; n[n.mousedown = 18] = "mousedown"; n[n.mousemove = 19] = "mousemove"; n[n.mouseout = 20] = "mouseout"; n[n.mouseover = 21] = "mouseover"; n[n.mouseup = 22] = "mouseup"; n[n.onreadystatechange = 23] = "onreadystatechange"; n[n.resize = 24] = "resize"; n[n.scroll = 25] = "scroll"; n[n.submit = 26] = "submit"; n[n.timeupdate = 27] = "timeupdate"; n[n.touchcancel = 28] = "touchcancel"; n[n.touchend = 29] = "touchend"; n[n.touchmove = 30] = "touchmove"; n[n.touchstart = 31] = "touchstart"; n[n.transitionend = 32] = "transitionend"; n[n.wheel = 33] = "wheel" }(r = t.eventTypes || (t.eventTypes = {})); t.addEvent = e; t.addEvents = g; t.removeEvents = nt; t.preventDefault = tt; t.addThrottledEvent = it; t.addThrottledEvents = rt; t.addDebouncedEvent = ut; t.documentReady = ft; t.onDeferred = et; t.addClass = p; t.removeClass = w; t.removeClasses = ot; t.addClasses = st; t.addAttribute = ht; t.hasClass = b; t.removeElement = ct; t.selectElements = lt; t.selectFirstElement = at; t.selectElementsT = h; t.selectFirstElementT = vt; t.selectElementsFromSelectors = yt; t.nodeListToArray = o; t.getDirection = pt; t.getClientRect = a; t.getClientRectWithMargin = wt; t.css = f; t.removeEvent = c; t.isArray = k; t.toArray = u; t.isDescendant = bt; t.isDescendantOrSelf = kt; t.getText = dt; t.setText = gt; t.removeInnerHtml = ni; t.getEventTargetOrSrcElement = ti; t.getEvent = v; t.customEvent = ii; t.stopPropagation = ri; t.getScrollY = ui; t.getOffsetParent = fi; t.scrollElementIntoView = ei; t.isImageLoadedSuccessfully = oi; t.isImageLoadFailed = si; t.getCoordinates = hi; t.getParent = ci; t.preventDefaultSwipeAction = li }); define("stringExtensions", ["require", "exports"], function(n, t) { "use strict"; function r(n) { return !n || typeof n != "string" || !i(n) } function i(n) { return !n || typeof n != "string" ? n : n.trim ? n.trim() : n.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") } function u(n, t, i) { return (i === void 0 && (i = !0), !n || !t) ? !1 : (i && (n = n.toLocaleLowerCase(), t = t.toLocaleLowerCase()), n.startsWith) ? n.startsWith(t) : n.indexOf(t) === 0 } function f(n, t, i) { return (i === void 0 && (i = !0), !n || !t) ? !1 : (i && (n = n.toLocaleLowerCase(), t = t.toLocaleLowerCase()), n.endsWith) ? n.endsWith(t) : n.lastIndexOf(t) === n.length - t.length } function e(n, t, i) { if (i === void 0 && (i = !0), !n || !t) return 0; var r = 0; for (i && (n = n.toLocaleLowerCase(), t = t.toLocaleLowerCase()); n.charCodeAt(r) === t.charCodeAt(r); ) r++; return r } function o(n) { for (var i = [], t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) i[t - 1] = arguments[t]; return n.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(n, t) { if (t >= i.length) return n; var r = i[t]; return typeof r != "number" && !r ? "" : typeof r == "string" ? r : r.toString() }) } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); t.isNullOrWhiteSpace = r; t.trim = i; t.startsWith = u; t.endsWith = f; t.getMatchLength = e; t.format = o }); define("componentFactory", ["require", "exports", "htmlExtensions", "utility", "stringExtensions", "pageBehaviors"], function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var e = function() { function n() {} return n.create = function(t) { for (var i, r = 0, u = t; r < u.length; r++) { if (i = u[r], !i.c && !i.component) throw "factoryInput should has either component or c to tell the factory what component to create.Eg.ComponentFactory.create([{ c: Carousel] or ComponentFactory.create([component: Carousel]))"; n.createComponent(i.component || i.c, i) } } , n.createComponent = function(t, r) { if (t) { var o = r && r.eventToBind ? r.eventToBind : "" , f = r && r.selector ? r.selector : t.selector , s = r && r.context ? r.context : null , u = [] , e = function(n, f, e) { var a, c, l, o, h; for (a = r.elements ? r.elements : f ? i.selectElementsT(f, s) : [document.body], c = 0, l = a; c < l.length; c++) o = l[c], o ? (o.mwfInstances || (o.mwfInstances = {}), o.mwfInstances[n] ? u.push(o.mwfInstances[n]) : (h = new t(o,e), (!h.isObserving || h.isObserving()) && (o.mwfInstances[n] = h, u.push(h)))) : console.error("The elements array in ComponentFactory.create() cannnot have a null element in it") }; switch (o) { case "DOMContentLoaded": if (n.onDomReadyHappened) n.callBindFunction(t, f, e, r, u); else { n.domReadyFunctions.push(function() { return n.callBindFunction(t, f, e, r, u) }); break } break; case "load": default: if (n.onDeferredHappened) n.callBindFunction(t, f, e, r, u); else { n.deferredFunctions.push(function() { return n.callBindFunction(t, f, e, r, u) }); break } } } } , n.callBindFunction = function(t, i, u, f, e) { f === void 0 && (f = null); var o = n.getTypeName(t) , s = o || i || "" , h = f && f.params ? f.params : {}; h.mwfClass = o; r.createPerfMarker(s + "_Begin"); u(o, i, h); r.createPerfMarker(s + "_End"); f && f.callback && f.callback(e) } , n.getTypeName = function(t) { if (t.typeName) return t.typeName; if (t.name) return t.name; var i = n.typeNameRegEx.exec(t.toString()); if (i && i.length > 1) return i[1] } , n.enumerateComponents = function(n, t) { var i, r, u; if (n && t) { i = n.mwfInstances; for (r in i) if (i.hasOwnProperty(r) && (u = i[r], u && !t(r, u))) break } } , n.detach = function(n, t) { var i = n, r; i && i.mwfInstances && !u.isNullOrWhiteSpace(t) && i.mwfInstances.hasOwnProperty(t) && (r = i.mwfInstances[t], i.mwfInstances[t] = null, r && r.detach && r.detach()) } , n.typeNameRegEx = /function\s+(\S+)\s*\(/, n.onLoadTimeoutMs = 6e3, n.onDeferredHappened = !1, n.deferredFunctions = [], n.onDomReadyHappened = !1, n.domReadyFunctions = [], n }(); t.ComponentFactory = e, function() { i.onDeferred(function() { var n, t, r, u; if (e.onDeferredHappened = !0, n = e.deferredFunctions, !n || n.length > 0) for (t = 0, r = n; t < r.length; t++) u = r[t], typeof u == "function" && i.SafeBrowserApis.requestAnimationFrame.call(window, u); e.deferredFunctions = null }, e.onLoadTimeoutMs); i.documentReady(function() { var n, t, r, u; if (e.onDomReadyHappened = !0, n = e.domReadyFunctions, !n || n.length > 0) for (t = 0, r = n; t < r.length; t++) u = r[t], typeof u == "function" && i.SafeBrowserApis.requestAnimationFrame.call(window, u); e.domReadyFunctions = null }, e.onLoadTimeoutMs); new f.PageBehaviors }() }); define("utility", ["require", "exports", "stringExtensions"], function(n, t, i) { "use strict"; function r(n) { return !isNaN(n) && typeof n == "number" } function f() { return window.innerWidth && document.documentElement.clientWidth ? Math.min(window.innerWidth, document.documentElement.clientWidth) : window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth } function h() { return window.innerHeight && document.documentElement.clientHeight ? Math.min(window.innerHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight) : window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight } function c(n) { if (n != null) return { width: n.clientWidth, height: n.clientHeight } } function l(n) { var t; if ((n = n || window.event, !n) || (t = n.key || n.keyIdentifier, !t)) return t; switch (t) { case "Left": return "ArrowLeft"; case "Right": return "ArrowRight"; case "Up": return "ArrowUp"; case "Down": return "ArrowDown"; case "Esc": return "Escape"; default: return t } } function a(n) { return n = n || window.event, n == null ? null : n.which || n.keyCode || n.charCode } function v(n, t, i, r, u) { var o = "", f, e; r && (f = new Date, f.setTime(f.getTime() + r * 864e5), o = "; expires=" + f.toUTCString()); e = ""; u && (e = ";domain=" + u); window.document.cookie = n + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + o + ("; path=" + i + ";") + e } function y(n) { var t, i; if (n) for (t = 0, i = document.cookie.split("; "); t < i.length; t++) { var r = i[t] , f = r.indexOf("=") , u = e(r.substring(0, f)); if (u === n) return e(r.substring(u.length + 1)) } return null } function e(n) { return n = decodeURIComponent(n.replace("/+/g", " ")), n.indexOf('"') === 0 && (n = n.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, "\\")), n } function p(n) { var u; if (!!n && n.length === 6) { var t = parseInt(n.substring(0, 2), 16) , i = parseInt(n.substring(2, 4), 16) , r = parseInt(n.substring(4, 6), 16); if (!isNaN(t) && !isNaN(i) && !isNaN(r)) return u = (t * 299 + i * 587 + r * 114) / 255e3, u >= .5 ? 2 : 1 } return null } function w(n, t, i) { return !i || !r(n) || !r(t) || !r(i.left) || !r(i.right) || !r(i.top) || !r(i.bottom) ? !1 : n >= i.left && n <= i.right && t >= i.top && t <= i.bottom } function b(n) { console && console.warn ? console.warn(n) : console && console.error && console.error(n) } function k(n, t) { if ((t || !(o("item").toLowerCase().indexOf("perf_marker_global:true") < 0)) && !i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(n) && window.performance && window.performance.mark) { var r = n.split(" ").join("_"); window.performance.mark(r); window.console && window.console.timeStamp && window.console.timeStamp(r) } } function d(n) { if (i.isNullOrWhiteSpace(n) || !window.performance || !window.performance.mark) return 0; var r = n.split(" ").join("_") , t = window.performance.getEntriesByName(r); return t && t.length ? Math.round(t[t.length - 1].startTime) : 0 } function g(n, t) { var f; if (!r(n)) return "00:00"; f = n < 0; f && (n *= -1); var u = Math.floor(n / 3600) , e = n % 3600 , o = Math.floor(e / 60) , i = ""; return i = t ? u > 0 ? u + ":" : "00:" : u > 0 ? u + ":" : "", n = Math.floor(e % 60), i += (o < 10 ? "0" : "") + o, i += ":" + (n === 0 ? "00" : (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n), f ? "-" + i : i } function nt(n) { if (!JSON || !JSON.parse) throw new Error("JSON.parse unsupported."); if (!n) throw new Error("Invalid json."); return JSON.parse(n) } function u() { for (var e, t, o, n, f, i, r = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++) r[c] = arguments[c]; if (!r || !r.length) return null; if (e = typeof r[0] == "boolean" && r[0], r.length < 2) return e ? null : r[0]; if (e && r.length < 3) return r[1]; for (t = e ? r[1] : r[0], o = e ? 2 : 1; o < r.length; o++) for (n in r[o]) if (r[o].hasOwnProperty(n)) { if (f = r[o][n], e) { var s = Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(f) : {}.toString.call(f) === "[object Array]" , h = !!t[n] && (Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(t[n]) : {}.toString.call(t[n]) === "[object Array]") , l = !s && typeof f == "object" , a = !h && !!t[n] && typeof t[n] == "object"; if (s && h) { for (i = 0; i < f.length; i++) s = Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(f[i]) : {}.toString.call(f[i]) === "[object Array]", h = !!t[n][i] && (Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(t[n][i]) : {}.toString.call(t[n][i]) === "[object Array]"), l = !s && typeof f[i] == "object", a = !h && !!t[n][i] && typeof t[n][i] == "object", t[n][i] = s ? u(!0, h ? t[n][i] : [], f[i]) : l ? u(!0, a ? t[n][i] : {}, f[i]) : f[i]; continue } else if (s) { t[n] = u(!0, [], f); continue } else if (l) { t[n] = u(!0, a ? t[n] : {}, f); continue } } t[n] = f } return t } function tt(n, t, i, r, u) { var f = !i || i < 0 ? -1 : Number(new Date) + i; t = t || 100, function e() { var i = n(); if (i && r) r(); else { if (i) return; if (f === -1 || Number(new Date) < f) setTimeout(e, t); else if (u) u(); else return } }() } function o(n, t) { return t === void 0 && (t = !0), s(location.search, n, t) } function it(n, t, i) { return i === void 0 && (i = !0), s(n, t, i) } function s(n, t, i) { if (i === void 0 && (i = !0), !t || !n) return ""; var r = "[\\?&]" + t.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&") + "=([^&#]*)" , f = i ? new RegExp(r,"i") : new RegExp(r) , u = f.exec(n); return u === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(u[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")) } function rt(n, t) { var i, r; if (!t) return n; if (n.indexOf("//") === -1) throw 'To avoid unexpected results in URL parsing, url must begin with "http://", "https://", or "//"'; return i = document.createElement("a"), i.href = n, i.search = (i.search ? i.search + "&" : "?") + t, r = i.href, i = null, r } function ut(n, t) { try { if (!window.sessionStorage || !n || !t) return; sessionStorage.setItem(n, t) } catch (i) {} } function ft(n) { try { return !window.sessionStorage || !n ? null : sessionStorage.getItem(n) } catch (t) { return null } } function et(n, t) { try { if (!window.localStorage || !n || !t) return; localStorage.setItem(n, t) } catch (i) {} } function ot(n) { try { return !window.localStorage || !n ? null : localStorage.getItem(n) } catch (t) { return null } } function st() { return window.scrollY || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0 } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); t.isNumber = r; t.getWindowWidth = f; t.getWindowHeight = h; t.getDimensions = c; t.getVirtualKey = l; t.getKeyCode = a; t.setCookie = v; t.getCookie = y; t.detectContrast = p; t.pointInRect = w; t.apiDeprecated = b; t.createPerfMarker = k; t.getPerfMarkerValue = d; t.toElapsedTimeString = g; t.parseJson = nt; t.extend = u; t.poll = tt; t.getQSPValue = o; t.getQSPFromUrl = it; t.addQSP = rt; t.saveToSessionStorage = ut; t.getValueFromSessionStorage = ft; t.saveToLocalStorage = et; t.getValueFromLocalStorage = ot; t.getScrollTop = st; var ht; (function(n) { function t() { var t; if (window.matchMedia) { for (t = 0; t < n.allWidths.length; ++t) if (!window.matchMedia("(min-width:" + n.allWidths[t] + "px)").matches) return t } else for (t = 0; t < n.allWidths.length; ++t) if (!(f() >= n.allWidths[t])) return t; return n.allWidths.length } n.allWidths = [320, 540, 768, 1084, 1400, 1779]; n.vpMin = n.allWidths[0]; n.vpMax = 2048; n.getViewport = t } )(ht = t.Viewports || (t.Viewports = {})) }); /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ var __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __exportStar, __values, __read, __spread, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault; (function(n) { function t(n, t) { return n !== i && (typeof Object.create == "function" ? Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) : n.__esModule = !0), function(i, r) { return n[i] = t ? t(i, r) : r } } var i = typeof global == "object" ? global : typeof self == "object" ? self : typeof this == "object" ? this : {}; typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define("tslib", ["exports"], function(r) { n(t(i, t(r))) }) : typeof module == "object" && typeof module.exports == "object" ? n(t(i, t(module.exports))) : n(t(i)) } )(function(n) { var t = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] }instanceof Array && function(n, t) { n.__proto__ = t } || function(n, t) { for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]) } ; __extends = function(n, i) { function r() { this.constructor = n } t(n, i); n.prototype = i === null ? Object.create(i) : (r.prototype = i.prototype, new r) } ; __assign = Object.assign || function(n) { for (var t, r, i = 1, u = arguments.length; i < u; i++) { t = arguments[i]; for (r in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r) && (n[r] = t[r]) } return n } ; __rest = function(n, t) { var u = {}, r; for (var i in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && t.indexOf(i) < 0 && (u[i] = n[i]); if (n != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (r = 0, i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n); r < i.length; r++) t.indexOf(i[r]) < 0 && (u[i[r]] = n[i[r]]); return u } ; __decorate = function(n, t, i, r) { var f = arguments.length, u = f < 3 ? t : r === null ? r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, i) : r, e, o; if (typeof Reflect == "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate == "function") u = Reflect.decorate(n, t, i, r); else for (o = n.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) (e = n[o]) && (u = (f < 3 ? e(u) : f > 3 ? e(t, i, u) : e(t, i)) || u); return f > 3 && u && Object.defineProperty(t, i, u), u } ; __param = function(n, t) { return function(i, r) { t(i, r, n) } } ; __metadata = function(n, t) { if (typeof Reflect == "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata == "function") return Reflect.metadata(n, t) } ; __awaiter = function(n, t, i, r) { return new (i || (i = Promise))(function(u, f) { function o(n) { try { e(r.next(n)) } catch (t) { f(t) } } function s(n) { try { e(r["throw"](n)) } catch (t) { f(t) } } function e(n) { n.done ? u(n.value) : new i(function(t) { t(n.value) } ).then(o, s) } e((r = r.apply(n, t || [])).next()) } ) } ; __generator = function(n, t) { function o(n) { return function(t) { return s([n, t]) } } function s(e) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (r) try { if (f = 1, u && (i = u[e[0] & 2 ? "return" : e[0] ? "throw" : "next"]) && !(i = i.call(u, e[1])).done) return i; (u = 0, i) && (e = [0, i.value]); switch (e[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = e; break; case 4: return r.label++, { value: e[1], done: !1 }; case 5: r.label++; u = e[1]; e = [0]; continue; case 7: e = r.ops.pop(); r.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(i = r.trys, i = i.length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) && (e[0] === 6 || e[0] === 2)) { r = 0; continue } if (e[0] === 3 && (!i || e[1] > i[0] && e[1] < i[3])) { r.label = e[1]; break } if (e[0] === 6 && r.label < i[1]) { r.label = i[1]; i = e; break } if (i && r.label < i[2]) { r.label = i[2]; r.ops.push(e); break } i[2] && r.ops.pop(); r.trys.pop(); continue } e = t.call(n, r) } catch (o) { e = [6, o]; u = 0 } finally { f = i = 0 } if (e[0] & 5) throw e[1]; return { value: e[0] ? e[1] : void 0, done: !0 } } var r = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (i[0] & 1) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, u, i, e; return e = { next: o(0), "throw": o(1), "return": o(2) }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (e[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), e } ; __exportStar = function(n, t) { for (var i in n) t.hasOwnProperty(i) || (t[i] = n[i]) } ; __values = function(n) { var t = typeof Symbol == "function" && n[Symbol.iterator] , i = 0; return t ? t.call(n) : { next: function() { return n && i >= n.length && (n = void 0), { value: n && n[i++], done: !n } } } } ; __read = function(n, t) { var i = typeof Symbol == "function" && n[Symbol.iterator], r, u, f, e; if (!i) return n; r = i.call(n); f = []; try { while ((t === void 0 || t-- > 0) && !(u = r.next()).done) f.push(u.value) } catch (o) { e = { error: o } } finally { try { u && !u.done && (i = r["return"]) && i.call(r) } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return f } ; __spread = function() { for (var n = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) n = n.concat(__read(arguments[t])); return n } ; __await = function(n) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = n, this) : new __await(n) } ; __asyncGenerator = function(n, t, i) { function e(n) { o[n] && (u[n] = function(t) { return new Promise(function(i, u) { r.push([n, t, i, u]) > 1 || f(n, t) } ) } ) } function f(n, t) { try { h(o[n](t)) } catch (i) { s(r[0][3], i) } } function h(n) { n.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(n.value.v).then(c, l) : s(r[0][2], n) } function c(n) { f("next", n) } function l(n) { f("throw", n) } function s(n, t) { (n(t), r.shift(), r.length) && f(r[0][0], r[0][1]) } if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var o = i.apply(n, t || []), u, r = []; return u = {}, e("next"), e("throw"), e("return"), u[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this } , u } ; __asyncDelegator = function(n) { function i(i, u) { n[i] && (t[i] = function(t) { return (r = !r) ? { value: __await(n[i](t)), done: i === "return" } : u ? u(t) : t } ) } var t, r; return t = {}, i("next"), i("throw", function(n) { throw n; }), i("return"), t[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } , t } ; __asyncValues = function(n) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var t = n[Symbol.asyncIterator]; return t ? t.call(n) : typeof __values == "function" ? __values(n) : n[Symbol.iterator]() } ; __makeTemplateObject = function(n, t) { return Object.defineProperty ? Object.defineProperty(n, "raw", { value: t }) : n.raw = t, n } ; __importStar = function(n) { var t, i; if (n && n.__esModule) return n; if (t = {}, n != null) for (i in n) Object.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (t[i] = n[i]); return t["default"] = n, t } ; __importDefault = function(n) { return n && n.__esModule ? n : { "default": n } } ; n("__extends", __extends); n("__assign", __assign); n("__rest", __rest); n("__decorate", __decorate); n("__param", __param); n("__metadata", __metadata); n("__awaiter", __awaiter); n("__generator", __generator); n("__exportStar", __exportStar); n("__values", __values); n("__read", __read); n("__spread", __spread); n("__await", __await); n("__asyncGenerator", __asyncGenerator); n("__asyncDelegator", __asyncDelegator); n("__asyncValues", __asyncValues); n("__makeTemplateObject", __makeTemplateObject); n("__importStar", __importStar); n("__importDefault", __importDefault) }); define("button", ["require", "exports", "tslib", "observableComponent", "htmlExtensions", "utility"], function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var e = function(n) { function t(t) { var i = n.call(this, t) || this; return i.handleKeydown = function(n) { var t = f.getKeyCode(n); switch (t) { case 32: u.preventDefault(n); i.emitClickEvent() } } , i.update(), i } return i.__extends(t, n), t.prototype.update = function() { this.element && this.element.nodeName === "A" && (this.element.getAttribute("role") || "").toLowerCase() === "button" && u.addEvent(this.element, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.handleKeydown) } , t.prototype.teardown = function() { u.removeEvent(this.element, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.handleKeydown) } , t.prototype.emitClickEvent = function() { u.customEvent(this.element, u.eventTypes.click) } , t.selector = ".c-button", t.typeName = "Button", t }(r.ObservableComponent); t.Button = e }); require(["button", "componentFactory"], function(n, t) { t.ComponentFactory && t.ComponentFactory.create && t.ComponentFactory.create([{ c: n.Button }]) }); define("actionMenu", ["require", "exports", "tslib", "publisher", "utility", "htmlExtensions"], function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var e = function(n) { function t(t) { var i = n.call(this, t) || this; return i.onTriggerClick = function(n) { if (n = f.getEvent(n), f.preventDefault(n), !i.disabled) { i.onTriggerToggled(); var t = i.items[0]; t.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); t.focus() } } , i.onTouchMove = function(n) { n = f.getEvent(n); f.preventDefault(n); i.isExpanded() ? i.collapse() : i.expand() } , i.onItemClick = function(n) { n = f.getEvent(n); var t = n.currentTarget; if (!t.hasAttribute("aria-disabled")) { i.onItemSelected(t); i.collapse() } } , i.onNonActionMenuClick = function(n) { if (n = f.getEvent(n), !!i.element && !!i.menu) { var t = f.getEventTargetOrSrcElement(n); i.element.contains(t) || t !== i.menu && t.parentElement !== i.menu && i.collapse() } } , i.onTriggerKeyPress = function(n) { var r, t; n = f.getEvent(n); r = u.getKeyCode(n); switch (r) { case 13: case 32: f.preventDefault(n); i.disabled || (t = i.items[0], i.onTriggerToggled(), t.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), t.focus()) } } , i.handleMenuKeydownEvent = function(n) { n = f.getEvent(n); var t = u.getKeyCode(n); (t !== 9 || i.isExpanded()) && f.preventDefault(n); i.handleMenuKeydown(f.getEventTargetOrSrcElement(n), t) } , i.update(), i } return i.__extends(t, n), t.prototype.update = function() { if (this.trigger = f.selectFirstElement(t.triggerSelector, this.element), this.menu = f.selectFirstElement(t.menuSelector, this.element), this.items = f.selectElementsT('li[class^="f-context-"]', this.element), this.disabled = this.trigger.hasAttribute("disabled"), !!this.trigger && !!this.menu && !!this.items && !!this.items.length) { var n = this.isExpanded(); this.addEventListeners(); n && this.expand() } } , t.prototype.teardown = function() { !this.trigger || !this.menu || !this.items || !this.items.length || this.removeEventListeners(); this.trigger = null; this.menu = null; this.items = null; this.selectedItem = null } , t.prototype.isExpanded = function() { return this.trigger.getAttribute(t.ariaExpanded) === "true" } , t.prototype.expand = function() { f.removeClass(this.trigger, "x-hidden-focus"); f.addClass(this.trigger, "f-active"); this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaExpanded, "true") } , t.prototype.collapse = function() { f.removeClass(this.trigger, "f-active"); this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaExpanded, "false") } , t.prototype.addEventListeners = function() { var n, t, i; for (f.addEvent(this.trigger, f.eventTypes.click, this.onTriggerClick), f.addEvent(this.trigger, f.eventTypes.keydown, this.onTriggerKeyPress), f.addEvent(this.menu, f.eventTypes.keydown, this.handleMenuKeydownEvent, !0), f.addEvent(this.trigger, f.eventTypes.touchmove, this.onTouchMove), n = 0, t = this.items; n < t.length; n++) i = t[n], f.addEvent(i, f.eventTypes.click, this.onItemClick); f.addEvent(document, f.eventTypes.click, this.onNonActionMenuClick) } , t.prototype.removeEventListeners = function() { var n, t, i; for (f.removeEvent(this.trigger, f.eventTypes.click, this.onTriggerClick), f.removeEvent(this.trigger, f.eventTypes.keydown, this.onTriggerKeyPress), f.removeEvent(this.menu, f.eventTypes.keydown, this.handleMenuKeydownEvent, !0), f.removeEvent(this.trigger, f.eventTypes.touchmove, this.onTouchMove), n = 0, t = this.items; n < t.length; n++) i = t[n], f.removeEvent(i, f.eventTypes.click, this.onItemClick); f.removeEvent(document, f.eventTypes.click, this.onNonActionMenuClick) } , t.prototype.onTriggerToggled = function() { this.isExpanded() ? this.collapse() : this.expand() } , t.prototype.onItemSelected = function(n) { var r, i; this.selectedItem = n; r = this.selectedItem.getAttribute("role") === "menuitemcheckbox"; r ? (i = this.selectedItem.getAttribute(t.ariaChecked) === "true", i ? this.selectedItem.setAttribute(t.ariaChecked, "false") : this.selectedItem.setAttribute(t.ariaChecked, "true"), this.initiatePublish({ id: this.selectedItem.id, checked: !i })) : this.initiatePublish({ id: this.selectedItem.id }) } , t.prototype.publish = function(n, t) { if (this.selectedItem) n.onSelection(t) } , t.prototype.handleMenuKeydown = function(n, t) { switch (t) { case 13: n.hasAttribute("aria-disabled") || (this.handleMenuEnterKey(n), this.trigger.focus(), this.collapse()); break; case 32: n.hasAttribute("aria-disabled") || (this.handleMenuEnterKey(n), n.getAttribute("role") !== "menuitemcheckbox" && (this.collapse(), this.trigger.focus())); break; case 27: case 196: this.trigger.focus(); this.collapse(); break; case 38: case 203: case 211: this.handleMenuArrowKey(!0, n); break; case 40: case 204: case 212: this.handleMenuArrowKey(!1, n); break; case 9: this.isExpanded() && (this.trigger.focus(), this.collapse()) } } , t.prototype.handleMenuArrowKey = function(n, t) { var r = this.items.indexOf(t), i; r !== -1 && (i = n ? r - 1 : r + 1, i < 0 ? i = this.items.length - 1 : i >= this.items.length && (i = 0), this.items[r].removeAttribute("tabindex"), this.items[i].setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), this.items[i].focus()) } , t.prototype.handleMenuEnterKey = function(n) { this.onItemSelected(n) } , t.selector = ".c-action-menu", t.typeName = "ActionMenu", t.ariaExpanded = "aria-expanded", t.ariaChecked = "aria-checked", t.triggerSelector = t.selector + " > button.c-action-trigger", t.menuSelector = t.triggerSelector + ' + ul[role="menu"]', t }(r.Publisher); t.ActionMenu = e }); require(["actionMenu", "componentFactory"], function(n, t) { t.ComponentFactory && t.ComponentFactory.create && t.ComponentFactory.create([{ component: n.ActionMenu }]) }); define("publisher", ["require", "exports", "tslib", "observableComponent"], function(n, t, i, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var u = function(n) { function t(t, i) { i === void 0 && (i = null); var r = n.call(this, t, i) || this; return r.element = t, r } return i.__extends(t, n), t.prototype.subscribe = function(n) { if (!n) return !1; if (this.subscribers) { if (this.subscribers.indexOf(n) !== -1) return !1 } else this.subscribers = []; return this.subscribers.push(n), !0 } , t.prototype.unsubscribe = function(n) { if (!n || !this.subscribers || !this.subscribers.length) return !1; var t = this.subscribers.indexOf(n); return t === -1 ? !1 : (this.subscribers.splice(t, 1), !0) } , t.prototype.hasSubscribers = function() { return !!this.subscribers && this.subscribers.length > 0 } , t.prototype.initiatePublish = function(n) { var t, i, r; if (this.hasSubscribers()) for (t = 0, i = this.subscribers; t < i.length; t++) r = i[t], this.publish(r, n) } , t.prototype.update = function() {} , t.prototype.teardown = function() {} , t }(r.ObservableComponent); t.Publisher = u }); define("pageBehaviors", ["require", "exports", "htmlExtensions"], function(n, t, i) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = function() { function n() { i.removeClass(document.documentElement, "no-js"); i.addClass(document.documentElement, "js"); i.hasClass(document.body, "c_native") && window.navigator && typeof window.navigator.gamepadInputEmulation == "string" && (window.navigator.gamepadInputEmulation = "keyboard") } return n.typeName = "PageBehaviors", n }(); t.PageBehaviors = r }); define("viewportCollision", ["require", "exports", "htmlExtensions"], function(n, t, i) { "use strict"; function r(n, t) { var r = i.getClientRect(n), u, f, e, o; return (r.left = Math.round(r.left), r.top = Math.round(r.top), r.right = Math.round(r.right), r.bottom = Math.round(r.bottom), r.width !== 0 && (u = !1, f = { top: !1, bottom: !1, left: !1, right: !1 }, t || (e = Math.min(window.innerWidth, document.documentElement.clientWidth), o = Math.min(window.innerHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight), t = { left: 0, top: 0, right: e, bottom: o, width: e, height: o }), r.left < t.left && (u = !0, f.left = !0), r.top < t.top && (u = !0, f.top = !0), r.right > t.right && (u = !0, f.right = !0), r.bottom > t.bottom && (u = !0, f.bottom = !0), u)) ? f : !1 } function u(n, t) { var r = i.getClientRect(n), u, f; if (r.width === 0) return null; t || (u = Math.min(window.innerWidth, document.documentElement.clientWidth), f = Math.min(window.innerHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight), t = { top: 0, right: u, bottom: f, left: 0, height: f, width: u }); var e = Math.round(r.top - t.top) , o = Math.round(t.right - r.right) , s = Math.round(t.bottom - r.bottom) , h = Math.round(r.left - t.left); return e >= 0 && o >= 0 && s >= 0 && h >= 0 ? null : { top: e, right: o, bottom: s, left: h, clientRect: r, viewport: t } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); t.collidesWith = r; t.getCollisionExtents = u }); define("selectMenu", ["require", "exports", "tslib", "publisher", "htmlExtensions", "stringExtensions", "viewportCollision", "utility"], function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e, o) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var s = function(n) { function t(t) { var i = n.call(this, t) || this; return i.onTriggerClick = function(n) { n = u.getEvent(n); u.preventDefault(n); i.onTriggerToggled(n) } , i.onItemClick = function(n) { n = u.getEvent(n); i.onItemSelected(u.getEventTargetOrSrcElement(n), !1, !0); i.trigger.focus() } , i.onNonSelectMenuClick = function(n) { if (n = u.getEvent(n), !!i.element && !!i.menu) { var t = u.getEventTargetOrSrcElement(n); i.element.contains(t) || t !== i.menu && t.parentElement !== i.menu && i.collapse() } } , i.onNonSelectMenuTab = function(n) { n = u.getEvent(n); var t = o.getKeyCode(n); t === 9 && i.collapse() } , i.onTriggerKeyPress = function(n) { n = u.getEvent(n); var t = o.getKeyCode(n); switch (t) { case 13: case 32: u.preventDefault(n); i.onTriggerToggled() } } , i.handleMenuKeydownEvent = function(n) { n = u.getEvent(n); var t = o.getKeyCode(n); t !== 9 && i.isExpanded() && u.preventDefault(n); i.handleMenuKeydown(u.getEventTargetOrSrcElement(n), t, n) } , i.isOptionDisabled = function(n) { var t = u.getParent(n, ".c-menu-item"); return t && t.getAttribute("aria-disabled") === "true" } , i.update(), i } return i.__extends(t, n), t.prototype.update = function() { var s, f, a, v, e, i, r, o, n, y; if (this.element) { if (this.persist = u.hasClass(this.element, "f-persist"), this.trigger = u.selectFirstElementT('[role="button"]', this.element), this.trigger || (this.trigger = u.selectFirstElementT("button", this.element)), this.trigger) { !this.trigger.id && this.element.id && (this.trigger.id = this.element.id + "-trigger"); s = this.trigger.getAttribute(t.placeHolder) || u.getText(this.trigger); this.element.setAttribute(t.placeHolder, s); var h = this.trigger.getAttribute(t.ariaLabel) , c = this.trigger.getAttribute(t.ariaLabelledBy) , l = this.element.getAttribute(t.dataAriaLabelFormat); h && this.element.setAttribute(t.defaultAriaLabel, h); c && this.element.setAttribute(t.defaultAriaLabelledBy, c); l && this.trigger.setAttribute(t.dataAriaLabelFormat, l) } if (this.menu = u.selectFirstElement(".c-menu", this.element), f = u.selectElementsT(".c-menu-item a", this.element), this.items = f.length > 0 ? f : u.selectElementsT(".c-menu-item span", this.element), this.isLtr = u.getDirection(this.menu) === u.Direction.left, this.persist && (a = !!u.selectFirstElement("img", this.menu), a && (this.ignoreNextDOMChange = !0, v = document.createElement("img"), e = document.createElement("span"), u.setText(e, u.getText(this.trigger)), u.setText(this.trigger, ""), this.trigger.appendChild(v), this.trigger.appendChild(e))), !!this.trigger && !!this.menu && !!this.items && !!this.items.length) { for (i = null, u.hasClass(this.menu, t.fScroll) && u.addClass(this.element, t.fScroll), this.items.length <= t.fScrollItems ? u.removeClass(this.menu, t.fScroll) : u.hasClass(this.element, t.fScroll) && u.addClass(this.menu, t.fScroll), r = 0, o = this.items; r < o.length; r++) n = o[r], this.itemIsSelected(n) && i === null ? (i = n, n.setAttribute(this.getSelectedAttribute(n), "true")) : n.setAttribute(this.getSelectedAttribute(n), "false"), n.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), this.cleanSelectedAttributes(n), n.hasAttribute("role") || n.setAttribute("role", "menuitem"); y = this.isExpanded(); this.onItemSelected(i, !0, !1); this.selectedItem || this.updateAriaLabel(); this.addEventListeners(); y && this.expand() } } } , t.prototype.teardown = function() { var n, t, i; for (u.removeEvent(this.trigger, u.eventTypes.click, this.onTriggerClick), u.removeEvent(this.trigger, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.onTriggerKeyPress), u.removeEvent(this.menu, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.handleMenuKeydownEvent, !0), n = 0, t = this.items; n < t.length; n++) i = t[n], u.removeEvent(i, u.eventTypes.click, this.onItemClick); u.removeEvent(document, u.eventTypes.click, this.onNonSelectMenuClick); u.removeEvent(this.items[this.items.length - 1], u.eventTypes.keydown, this.onNonSelectMenuTab); this.persist = !1; this.trigger = null; this.menu = null; this.items = null; this.selectedItem = null } , t.prototype.setSelectedItem = function(n) { if (!n || !this.element) return !1; var t = u.selectFirstElement('[id="' + n + '"] > a', this.element) || u.selectFirstElement('[id="' + n + '"] > span', this.element); return t ? this.onItemSelected(t, !1, !1) : !1 } , t.prototype.updateAriaLabel = function() { if (this.selectedItem) { var e = this.trigger.getAttribute(t.selectedAriaLabel) || this.trigger.getAttribute(t.dataAriaLabelFormat) || this.trigger.getAttribute(t.ariaLabel) , o = this.trigger.getAttribute(t.selectedAriaLabelledBy) || this.trigger.getAttribute(t.ariaLabelledBy) , s = this.selectedItem ? this.selectedItem.getAttribute(t.ariaLabel) || u.getText(this.selectedItem) : u.getText(this.trigger) , h = e ? f.format(e, s) : s; this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaLabel, h); o && this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaLabelledBy, f.format(o, this.trigger.id)) } else { this.trigger.removeAttribute(t.ariaLabel); this.trigger.removeAttribute(t.ariaLabelledBy); var n = this.element.getAttribute(t.placeHolder) , i = this.element.getAttribute(t.dataAriaLabelFormat) || this.element.getAttribute(t.defaultAriaLabel) , r = this.element.getAttribute(t.defaultAriaLabelledBy); n && u.setText(this.trigger, n); i && this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaLabel, f.format(i, u.getText(this.trigger))); r && this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaLabelledBy, f.format(r, this.trigger.id)) } } , t.prototype.isExpanded = function() { return !!this.trigger && !!this.menu && this.trigger.getAttribute(t.ariaExpanded) === "true" && this.menu.getAttribute(t.ariaHidden) === "false" } , t.prototype.itemIsSelected = function(n) { return n.getAttribute(t.ariaSelected) === "true" || n.getAttribute(t.ariaChecked) === "true" } , t.prototype.getSelectedAttribute = function(n) { return n.getAttribute("role") === "menuitemradio" ? t.ariaChecked : t.ariaSelected } , t.prototype.cleanSelectedAttributes = function(n) { var i = this.getSelectedAttribute(n) === t.ariaSelected ? t.ariaChecked : t.ariaSelected; n.removeAttribute(i) } , t.prototype.positionMenu = function() { var i = u.css(this.element, "float"), r = i === "right", o = !r && i === "left", f = o ? !0 : r || !this.isLtr ? !1 : !0, n, t; u.css(this.menu, "top", "auto"); u.css(this.menu, "bottom", "auto"); u.css(this.menu, f ? "left" : "right", "0"); u.css(this.menu, "height", "auto"); n = e.getCollisionExtents(this.menu); !n || ((n.right < 0 || n.left < 0) && (n.clientRect.width <= n.viewport.width ? f ? u.css(this.menu, "left", n.right + "px") : u.css(this.menu, "right", n.left + "px") : (u.css(this.menu, "left", -n.left + "px"), u.css(this.menu, "width", n.viewport.width + "px"))), n.bottom < 0 && (t = parseFloat(u.css(this.trigger, "height")), n.clientRect.height + t <= n.top ? u.css(this.menu, "bottom", t + "px") : n.clientRect.height <= n.viewport.height ? u.css(this.menu, "top", n.bottom + t + "px") : (u.css(this.menu, "top", -n.top + t + "px"), u.css(this.menu, "height", n.viewport.height + "px")))) } , t.prototype.expand = function() { if (!!this.trigger && !!this.menu && (this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaExpanded, "true"), this.menu.setAttribute(t.ariaHidden, "false"), this.positionMenu(), !!this.items)) { var n = this.items.indexOf(this.selectedItem) , i = n === -1 ? 0 : n , r = this.items[i]; r.focus() } } , t.prototype.collapse = function() { !this.trigger || !this.menu || (this.trigger.setAttribute(t.ariaExpanded, "false"), this.menu.setAttribute(t.ariaHidden, "true")) } , t.prototype.addEventListeners = function() { var n, t, i; if (!!this.trigger && !!this.items) { for (u.addEvent(this.trigger, u.eventTypes.click, this.onTriggerClick), u.addEvent(this.trigger, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.onTriggerKeyPress), u.addEvent(this.menu, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.handleMenuKeydownEvent, !0), n = 0, t = this.items; n < t.length; n++) i = t[n], u.addEvent(i, u.eventTypes.click, this.onItemClick); u.addEvent(this.items[this.items.length - 1], u.eventTypes.keydown, this.onNonSelectMenuTab); u.addEvent(document, u.eventTypes.click, this.onNonSelectMenuClick) } } , t.prototype.onTriggerToggled = function(n) { this.element.getAttribute("aria-disabled") !== "true" && (this.isExpanded() ? this.collapse() : this.expand(n)) } , t.prototype.onItemSelected = function(n, t, i) { var e, f, o, s, h, r; if (!n || n === this.selectedItem) return this.collapse(), !1; if ((n.nodeName === "P" || n.nodeName === "IMG") && (n = n.parentElement), !this.isOptionDisabled(n)) { if (n.className === "c-menu") return this.collapse(), !1; for (this.persist && this.trigger && (e = u.selectFirstElementT("img", this.trigger), this.ignoreNextDOMChange = !0, e ? (f = u.selectFirstElementT("img", n), o = f ? f.getAttribute("src") : "", e.setAttribute("src", o), s = u.selectFirstElementT("span", this.trigger), u.setText(s, u.getText(n)), u.hasClass(this.trigger, "f-icon") && !f ? u.removeClass(this.trigger, "f-icon") : !u.hasClass(this.trigger, "f-icon") && f && u.addClass(this.trigger, "f-icon")) : u.setText(this.trigger, u.getText(n))), this.selectedItem && this.selectedItem.setAttribute(this.getSelectedAttribute(this.selectedItem), "false"), this.selectedItem = n, this.selectedItem.setAttribute(this.getSelectedAttribute(this.selectedItem), "true"), this.updateAriaLabel(), this.collapse(), h = null, r = this.selectedItem; r && r.parentElement !== this.menu; ) r = r.parentElement; return r && this.initiatePublish({ id: r.id, href: this.selectedItem.getAttribute("href"), internal: t, userInitiated: i }), !0 } } , t.prototype.publish = function(n, t) { if (this.selectedItem) n.onSelectionChanged(t) } , t.prototype.handleMenuKeydown = function(n, t, i) { i === void 0 && (i = null); switch (t) { case 32: case 13: this.handleMenuEnterKey(n); this.trigger.focus(); break; case 27: this.trigger.focus(); this.collapse(); i && i.stopPropagation(); break; case 38: case 203: case 211: this.handleMenuArrowKey(!0, n); break; case 40: case 204: case 212: this.handleMenuArrowKey(!1, n); break; case 9: this.isExpanded() && this.handleMenuEnterKey(n) } } , t.prototype.handleMenuArrowKey = function(n, t) { var r = this.items.indexOf(t), u, i; if (r !== -1) { u = n ? -1 : 1; i = r; do i += u, (i < 0 || i >= this.items.length) && (i = r); while (i !== r && this.isOptionDisabled(this.items[i])); this.items[i].focus() } } , t.prototype.handleMenuEnterKey = function(n) { this.onItemSelected(n, !1, !0) } , t.selector = ".c-select-menu", t.typeName = "SelectMenu", t.dataAriaLabelFormat = "data-aria-label-format", t.selectedAriaLabel = "data-selected-aria-label", t.selectedAriaLabelledBy = "data-selected-aria-labelledby", t.ariaExpanded = "aria-expanded", t.ariaHidden = "aria-hidden", t.ariaSelected = "aria-selected", t.ariaLabel = "aria-label", t.ariaLabelledBy = "aria-labelledby", t.ariaChecked = "aria-checked", t.placeHolder = "data-placeholder", t.defaultAriaLabel = "data-default-aria-label", t.defaultAriaLabelledBy = "data-default-aria-labelledby", t.fScroll = "f-scroll", t.fScrollItems = 5, t }(r.Publisher); t.SelectMenu = s }); require(["selectMenu", "componentFactory"], function(n, t) { t.ComponentFactory && t.ComponentFactory.create && t.ComponentFactory.create([{ component: n.SelectMenu }]) }); define("slider", ["require", "exports", "tslib", "publisher", "htmlExtensions", "utility"], function(n, t, i, r, u, f) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var e = function(n) { function t(t) { var i = n.call(this, t) || this; return i.onKeyPressed = function(n) { var t, r, f, e; switch (n) { case 37: case 39: i.isVerticalSlider || (t = i.primaryDirection === u.Direction.left ? i.stepOffset : -i.stepOffset, t = n === 37 ? -t : t, i.updateThumbOffset(i.thumbOffset + t, !0, !0), u.preventDefault(u.getEvent(event))); break; case 38: case 40: i.isVerticalSlider && (t = n === 38 ? i.stepOffset : -i.stepOffset, i.updateThumbOffset(i.thumbOffset + t, !0, !0), u.preventDefault(u.getEvent(event))); break; case 33: u.preventDefault(u.getEvent(event)); t = 2 * i.stepOffset; i.updateThumbOffset(i.thumbOffset + t, !0, !0); break; case 34: u.preventDefault(u.getEvent(event)); t = -(2 * i.stepOffset); i.updateThumbOffset(i.thumbOffset + t, !0, !0); break; case 36: u.preventDefault(u.getEvent(event)); r = parseInt(i.input.getAttribute("min"), 10) || 0; i.updateThumbOffset(r, !0, !0); break; case 35: u.preventDefault(u.getEvent(event)); f = parseInt(i.input.getAttribute("step"), 10); e = i.thumbRange + f; i.updateThumbOffset(e, !0, !0) } } , i.onKeyDown = function(n) { i.onKeyPressed(f.getKeyCode(u.getEvent(n))) } , i.onMouseDown = function(n) { if (n = u.getEvent(n), i.setupDimensions(), u.getEventTargetOrSrcElement(n) === i.thumb) { u.addEvent(document, u.eventTypes.mousemove, i.onMouseMove); u.addEvent(document, u.eventTypes.mouseup, i.onMouseUp); u.addEvent(document, u.eventTypes.touchmove, i.onMouseMove); u.addEvent(document, u.eventTypes.touchcancel, i.onMouseUp); return } i.moveThumbTo(n.clientX, n.clientY) } , i.onMouseMove = function(n) { if (n.type === "mousemove" && (n = u.getEvent(n)), n.type === "touchmove") { var t = u.getEvent(n); n = t.targetTouches[0] } i.moveThumbTo(n.clientX, n.clientY) } , i.onMouseUp = function() { u.removeEvent(document, u.eventTypes.mousemove, i.onMouseMove); u.removeEvent(document, u.eventTypes.mouseup, i.onMouseUp); u.removeEvent(document, u.eventTypes.touchmove, i.onMouseMove); u.removeEvent(document, u.eventTypes.touchcancel, i.onMouseUp) } , i.onWindowResized = function() { i.setupDimensions() } , i.update(), i } return i.__extends(t, n), t.prototype.update = function() { if (this.element) { this.input = u.selectFirstElement("input", this.element); this.primaryDirection = u.getDirection(this.element); this.isVerticalSlider = u.hasClass(this.input, "f-vertical"); u.preventDefaultSwipeAction(this.element, !this.isVerticalSlider); u.addClass(this.input, "x-screen-reader"); var t = parseInt(this.input.getAttribute("min"), 10) || 0 , i = parseInt(this.input.getAttribute("max"), 10) || 100 , n = parseInt(this.input.getAttribute("value"), 10) , r = parseInt(this.input.getAttribute("step"), 10); this.element.children[this.element.children.length - 1] === this.input ? (this.mockSlider = document.createElement("div"), this.thumb = document.createElement("button"), this.thumb.setAttribute("role", "slider"), this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", t.toString()), this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", i.toString()), this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", n.toString()), this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", n.toString()), this.input.hasAttribute("aria-label") && this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-label", this.input.getAttribute("aria-label")), this.valueTooltip = document.createElement("span"), this.track = document.createElement("span"), this.thumb.appendChild(this.valueTooltip), this.mockSlider.appendChild(this.thumb), this.mockSlider.appendChild(this.track), this.element.appendChild(this.mockSlider), this.ignoreNextDOMChange = !0) : (this.mockSlider = this.element.children[this.element.children.length - 1], this.thumb = this.mockSlider.firstElementChild, this.valueTooltip = this.thumb.firstElementChild, this.track = this.mockSlider.children[this.mockSlider.children.length - 1]); this.halfThumbOffset = this.thumb.clientWidth / 2; this.resetSliderInternal(t, i, n, r, !0) && (u.addEvent(this.element, u.eventTypes.mousedown, this.onMouseDown), u.addEvent(this.element, u.eventTypes.touchstart, this.onMouseDown), u.addEvent(this.thumb, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.onKeyDown), this.resizeListener = u.addDebouncedEvent(window, u.eventTypes.resize, this.onWindowResized)) } } , t.prototype.teardown = function() { u.removeEvent(this.element, u.eventTypes.mousedown, this.onMouseDown); u.removeEvent(this.element, u.eventTypes.touchstart, this.onMouseDown); u.removeEvent(this.thumb, u.eventTypes.keydown, this.onKeyDown); u.removeEvent(window, u.eventTypes.resize, this.resizeListener); this.input = null; this.mockSlider = null; this.thumb = null; this.valueTooltip = null; this.track = null; this.resizeListener = null } , t.prototype.resetSlider = function(n, t, i, r) { return this.resetSliderInternal(n, t, i, r, !1) } , t.prototype.resetSliderInternal = function(n, t, i, r, u) { return !f.isNumber(n) || !f.isNumber(t) ? !1 : Math.max(n, t) - Math.min(n, t) <= 0 ? !1 : (this.min = Math.min(n, t), this.max = Math.max(n, t), this.range = this.max - this.min, this.step = isNaN(r) ? this.range / 10 : r, this.value = Math.min(Math.max(isNaN(i) ? isNaN(this.value) ? this.min : this.value : i, this.min), this.max), this.setupDimensions(), this.updateThumbOffset(this.thumbOffset, u, !1, this.value), !0) } , t.prototype.setValue = function(n) { return !f.isNumber(n) || n < this.min || n > this.max ? !1 : (n !== this.value && (this.thumbOffset = (n - this.min) * this.thumbRange / this.range + this.halfThumbOffset, this.updateThumbOffset(this.thumbOffset, !1, !1, n)), !0) } , t.prototype.setupDimensions = function() { this.dimensions = u.getClientRect(this.mockSlider); this.isVerticalSlider ? (this.dimensions.left -= t.hitPadding, this.dimensions.right += t.hitPadding, this.thumbRange = this.dimensions.height - this.thumb.clientWidth, this.maxThumbOffset = this.dimensions.height) : (this.dimensions.top -= t.hitPadding, this.dimensions.bottom += t.hitPadding, this.thumbRange = this.dimensions.width - this.thumb.clientWidth, this.maxThumbOffset = this.dimensions.width); this.thumbRange = Math.max(this.thumbRange, 1); this.thumbOffset = (this.value - this.min) * this.thumbRange / this.range + this.halfThumbOffset; this.stepOffset = this.thumbRange / (this.range / this.step); this.setThumbPosition() } , t.prototype.setThumbPosition = function() { var n = Math.max(0, this.thumbOffset - this.halfThumbOffset); u.css(this.thumb, u.Direction[this.primaryDirection], n + "px"); u.css(this.track, "width", n + "px") } , t.prototype.updateThumbOffset = function(n, t, i, r) { var o, s, e; r === void 0 && (r = NaN); f.isNumber(n) || (n = this.thumbOffset); this.thumbOffset = Math.min(Math.max(0, n), this.maxThumbOffset); o = r; isNaN(o) && (o = Math.max(0, this.thumbOffset - this.halfThumbOffset) * 1e3 * this.range / this.thumbRange, o = Math.round(o) / 1e3 + this.min); this.value = Math.min(Math.max(this.min, o), this.max); this.input.setAttribute("value", this.value.toString()); o = parseFloat(this.input.getAttribute("value")); isNaN(o) || (this.value = o); s = isNaN(parseFloat(this.input.getAttribute("step"))) ? this.value % 1 == 0 ? this.value.toString() : (Math.round(this.value * 10) / 10).toString() : this.value.toString(); this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", s); this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", s); this.setThumbPosition(); this.valueDescriptor = null; this.initiatePublish({ value: this.value, internal: t, userInitiated: i }); e = this.valueDescriptor || {}; this.valueDescriptor = null; typeof e == "object" ? (u.setText(this.valueTooltip, e.tooltipText || s), e.ariaValueText && this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", e.ariaValueText)) : typeof e == "string" && ((isNaN(parseFloat(e)) || e.match(":")) && this.thumb.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", e === "00:00:00" ? "0 second" : e), u.setText(this.valueTooltip, e)) } , t.prototype.publish = function(n, t) { var i = n.onValueChanged(t); !i || this.valueDescriptor || (this.valueDescriptor = i) } , t.prototype.moveThumbTo = function(n, t) { if (f.pointInRect(n, t, this.dimensions)) { var i = this.dimensions.bottom - t; this.isVerticalSlider || (i = this.primaryDirection === u.Direction.left ? n - this.dimensions.left : this.dimensions.right - n); this.updateThumbOffset(i, !0, !0) } } , t.selector = ".c-slider", t.typeName = "Slider", t.hitPadding = 20, t }(r.Publisher); t.Slider = e }); require(["slider", "componentFactory"], function(n, t) { t.ComponentFactory && t.ComponentFactory.create && t.ComponentFactory.create([{ component: n.Slider }]) }) // SIG // Begin signature block // SIG // MIIr4QYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIr0jCCK84CAQExDzANBglg // SIG // hkgBZQMEAgEFADB3BgorBgEEAYI3AgEEoGkwZzAyBgor // SIG // BgEEAYI3AgEeMCQCAQEEEBDgyQbOONQRoqMAEEvTUJAC // SIG // AQACAQACAQACAQACAQAwMTANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFAAQg // SIG // q1oqGePv7Rc/PH1k8Zp1UiqcDM3WWaJEYb/6QJxEFu+g // SIG // ghFuMIIIfjCCB2agAwIBAgITNgAAAd9zgZcWvjL9DQAC // SIG // AAAB3zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBBMRMwEQYKCZImiZPy // SIG // LGQBGRYDR0JMMRMwEQYKCZImiZPyLGQBGRYDQU1FMRUw // SIG // EwYDVQQDEwxBTUUgQ1MgQ0EgMDEwHhcNMjQwMTIwMDEz // SIG // MzQ0WhcNMjUwMTE5MDEzMzQ0WjAkMSIwIAYDVQQDExlN // SIG // aWNyb3NvZnQgQXp1cmUgQ29kZSBTaWduMIIBIjANBgkq // SIG // hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA1bnAJpGyFqbK // SIG // WMrMsnUMskYdi/KuYoGBXMtrw5PMRr1TEQYccGzrCSBH // SIG // dMGPDe1lP8YJGDJ0rDOL5nNgePQxnawI0iam7MdM3/gy // SIG // xY6wSE1HnHUYZatFShl/FG1TpINGiHxTS0bOA0qwmWId // SIG // us8gfKpC/41Jgew4XARIYYDpV0UOCx51L+6n/ol6g7sB // SIG // c/bVEwIfCRrIC0QStKErEX1AfhSRdislMc5nhVySohMp // SIG // 7Fs+JKqDPdWoNWMNFPHdHvkYACotxbdXFwPt6ijOiNR9 // SIG // dXvzXSI4e6E4b6wbXxJ4MJcG0xdymTh3YSwRWdfFOL/F // SIG // Xk5W+K/eN+OgmNvkip0GuwIDAQABo4IFijCCBYYwKQYJ // SIG // KwYBBAGCNxUKBBwwGjAMBgorBgEEAYI3WwEBMAoGCCsG // SIG // AQUFBwMDMD0GCSsGAQQBgjcVBwQwMC4GJisGAQQBgjcV // SIG // CIaQ4w2E1bR4hPGLPoWb3RbOnRKBYIPdzWaGlIwyAgFk // SIG // AgEOMIICdgYIKwYBBQUHAQEEggJoMIICZDBiBggrBgEF // SIG // BQcwAoZWaHR0cDovL2NybC5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL3Br // SIG // aWluZnJhL0NlcnRzL0JZMlBLSUNTQ0EwMS5BTUUuR0JM // SIG // X0FNRSUyMENTJTIwQ0ElMjAwMSgyKS5jcnQwUgYIKwYB // SIG // BQUHMAKGRmh0dHA6Ly9jcmwxLmFtZS5nYmwvYWlhL0JZ // SIG // MlBLSUNTQ0EwMS5BTUUuR0JMX0FNRSUyMENTJTIwQ0El // SIG // MjAwMSgyKS5jcnQwUgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGRmh0dHA6Ly9j // SIG // cmwyLmFtZS5nYmwvYWlhL0JZMlBLSUNTQ0EwMS5BTUUu // SIG // R0JMX0FNRSUyMENTJTIwQ0ElMjAwMSgyKS5jcnQwUgYI // SIG // KwYBBQUHMAKGRmh0dHA6Ly9jcmwzLmFtZS5nYmwvYWlh // SIG // L0JZMlBLSUNTQ0EwMS5BTUUuR0JMX0FNRSUyMENTJTIw // SIG // Q0ElMjAwMSgyKS5jcnQwUgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGRmh0dHA6 // SIG // Ly9jcmw0LmFtZS5nYmwvYWlhL0JZMlBLSUNTQ0EwMS5B // SIG // TUUuR0JMX0FNRSUyMENTJTIwQ0ElMjAwMSgyKS5jcnQw // SIG // ga0GCCsGAQUFBzAChoGgbGRhcDovLy9DTj1BTUUlMjBD // SIG // UyUyMENBJTIwMDEsQ049QUlBLENOPVB1YmxpYyUyMEtl // SIG // eSUyMFNlcnZpY2VzLENOPVNlcnZpY2VzLENOPUNvbmZp // SIG // Z3VyYXRpb24sREM9QU1FLERDPUdCTD9jQUNlcnRpZmlj // SIG // YXRlP2Jhc2U/b2JqZWN0Q2xhc3M9Y2VydGlmaWNhdGlv // SIG // bkF1dGhvcml0eTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUju4tKpnu7Y7YxY8r // SIG // iI5ZhjOnGwkwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMEUGA1UdEQQ+ // SIG // MDykOjA4MR4wHAYDVQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9y // SIG // YXRpb24xFjAUBgNVBAUTDTIzNjE2Nys1MDE5NzAwggHm // SIG // BgNVHR8EggHdMIIB2TCCAdWgggHRoIIBzYY/aHR0cDov // SIG // L2NybC5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL3BraWluZnJhL0NSTC9B // SIG // TUUlMjBDUyUyMENBJTIwMDEoMikuY3JshjFodHRwOi8v // SIG // Y3JsMS5hbWUuZ2JsL2NybC9BTUUlMjBDUyUyMENBJTIw // SIG // MDEoMikuY3JshjFodHRwOi8vY3JsMi5hbWUuZ2JsL2Ny // SIG // bC9BTUUlMjBDUyUyMENBJTIwMDEoMikuY3JshjFodHRw // SIG // Oi8vY3JsMy5hbWUuZ2JsL2NybC9BTUUlMjBDUyUyMENB // SIG // JTIwMDEoMikuY3JshjFodHRwOi8vY3JsNC5hbWUuZ2Js // SIG // L2NybC9BTUUlMjBDUyUyMENBJTIwMDEoMikuY3JshoG9 // SIG // bGRhcDovLy9DTj1BTUUlMjBDUyUyMENBJTIwMDEoMiks // SIG // Q049QlkyUEtJQ1NDQTAxLENOPUNEUCxDTj1QdWJsaWMl // SIG // MjBLZXklMjBTZXJ2aWNlcyxDTj1TZXJ2aWNlcyxDTj1D // SIG // b25maWd1cmF0aW9uLERDPUFNRSxEQz1HQkw/Y2VydGlm // SIG // aWNhdGVSZXZvY2F0aW9uTGlzdD9iYXNlP29iamVjdENs // SIG // YXNzPWNSTERpc3RyaWJ1dGlvblBvaW50MB8GA1UdIwQY // SIG // MBaAFJZRhOBrb3v+2Aarw/KF5imuavnUMB8GA1UdJQQY // SIG // MBYGCisGAQQBgjdbAQEGCCsGAQUFBwMDMA0GCSqGSIb3 // SIG // DQEBCwUAA4IBAQCXv2FzUgqF4rS3/1+aXyWaXqd3LI3a // SIG // pgYIPvCq/vvFzI1sHZuLYi2rCTFDwoJqeTWJ98AuBnnx // SIG // mMHxe15thTEkdoukFB44oBrugY3VkIeBMBmjaly5F5VD // SIG // O1sNmdCq0baQi9egwjkzWbghTwMrUhxbJD1q6+qtxAbo // SIG // jOj+VS4BUiogMXLp5XSaK26wa72UmYm9TiDcxRgELM1E // SIG // dMraL1uhTqfrqFYYkAqpzoXgtaaZ2T7LO7516KIMjtMY // SIG // EluNG0ZZbRn8J5TndyGf+N2To+V3nkoYOdks1RIsmK2Y // SIG // w9ezEjc0DNSSiNO/prQAuw/nmf/oNqTP/daB3Kw6vTau // SIG // EK0tMIII6DCCBtCgAwIBAgITHwAAAFHqj/accwyoOwAA // SIG // AAAAUTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA8MRMwEQYKCZImiZPy // SIG // LGQBGRYDR0JMMRMwEQYKCZImiZPyLGQBGRYDQU1FMRAw // SIG // DgYDVQQDEwdhbWVyb290MB4XDTIxMDUyMTE4NDQxNFoX // SIG // DTI2MDUyMTE4NTQxNFowQTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixkARkW // SIG // 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FQUGCisGAQQBgjcUAgIGCisGAQQBgjcUAgMGCCsGAQUF // SIG // BwMDBgorBgEEAYI3WwEBBgorBgEEAYI3WwIBBgorBgEE // SIG // AYI3WwMBBgorBgEEAYI3WwUBBgorBgEEAYI3WwQBBgor // SIG // BgEEAYI3WwQCMBkGCSsGAQQBgjcUAgQMHgoAUwB1AGIA // SIG // QwBBMAsGA1UdDwQEAwIBhjASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/ // SIG // AgEAMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFCleUV5krjS566ycDaeMdQHR // SIG // CQsoMIIBaAYDVR0fBIIBXzCCAVswggFXoIIBU6CCAU+G // SIG // MWh0dHA6Ly9jcmwubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9wa2lpbmZy // SIG // YS9jcmwvYW1lcm9vdC5jcmyGI2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwyLmFt // SIG // ZS5nYmwvY3JsL2FtZXJvb3QuY3JshiNodHRwOi8vY3Js // SIG // My5hbWUuZ2JsL2NybC9hbWVyb290LmNybIYjaHR0cDov // SIG // L2NybDEuYW1lLmdibC9jcmwvYW1lcm9vdC5jcmyGgaps // SIG // ZGFwOi8vL0NOPWFtZXJvb3QsQ049QU1FUm9vdCxDTj1D // SIG // RFAsQ049UHVibGljJTIwS2V5JTIwU2VydmljZXMsQ049 // SIG // U2VydmljZXMsQ049Q29uZmlndXJhdGlvbixEQz1BTUUs // SIG // REM9R0JMP2NlcnRpZmljYXRlUmV2b2NhdGlvbkxpc3Q/ // SIG // YmFzZT9vYmplY3RDbGFzcz1jUkxEaXN0cmlidXRpb25Q // SIG // b2ludDCCAasGCCsGAQUFBwEBBIIBnTCCAZkwRwYIKwYB // SIG // BQUHMAKGO2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9w // SIG // a2lpbmZyYS9jZXJ0cy9BTUVSb290X2FtZXJvb3QuY3J0 // SIG // MDcGCCsGAQUFBzAChitodHRwOi8vY3JsMi5hbWUuZ2Js // SIG // L2FpYS9BTUVSb290X2FtZXJvb3QuY3J0MDcGCCsGAQUF // SIG // BzAChitodHRwOi8vY3JsMy5hbWUuZ2JsL2FpYS9BTUVS // SIG // b290X2FtZXJvb3QuY3J0MDcGCCsGAQUFBzAChitodHRw // SIG // Oi8vY3JsMS5hbWUuZ2JsL2FpYS9BTUVSb290X2FtZXJv // SIG // b3QuY3J0MIGiBggrBgEFBQcwAoaBlWxkYXA6Ly8vQ049 // SIG // YW1lcm9vdCxDTj1BSUEsQ049UHVibGljJTIwS2V5JTIw // SIG // U2VydmljZXMsQ049U2VydmljZXMsQ049Q29uZmlndXJh // SIG // dGlvbixEQz1BTUUsREM9R0JMP2NBQ2VydGlmaWNhdGU/ // SIG // YmFzZT9vYmplY3RDbGFzcz1jZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uQXV0 // SIG // aG9yaXR5MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBQECO3Tw/o // SIG // 317Rrd7yadqcswPx1LvIYymkaTN6KcmuRt6HKa0Xe73U // SIG // x2/AQ30TfgA9GBJngweRykKBusRzyOU17iIubJvy3gA2 // SIG // 1dwtqtB0DsoEv1U/ptVu2v++doTCJ/i+GbssVXkgaX8H // SIG // +6EOGEmT4evp4GbwR4HwWlc+Dvf8HH8PdUA2Z04CvcwI // SIG // fckSipbNm84jxJ8XjmTFTWscldL9edj2NsY6iGnyJFIy // SIG // ur2PS7VRYyV3p1VAJp91gj1jRQtWEyCB8P5g9nE3z8u0 // SIG // ANaU/hjwEQCrdGyravWgnf2JtG+bT26YAokbc8m+32zU // SIG // tXRO+NK3tAjhOu2FdsG3qNrF4sc7y37R/C+7Pcb/cFfh // SIG // ttqsirepZii4xStcjMODYuXzGm3IJs0b0owHG6oKd7ZO // SIG // GvHpmmh9K8/DLriD/sq8bURD10qi/wuW8zM7IpLg1vcR // SIG // 9dIK2mc0pj44pc6UX0XbttP/VEJgu3lT2eI9VjWtaKjx // SIG // 38xE9woSMyekPRtzTwgfuysF9DkJisr+yA4po/FPxpbB // SIG // w9c/hBf32DH/GFxteS2pmjgKIbMP8sDukmEq3lVvuWNJ // SIG // sybrZwQvQpvaM49fv+JKpLK5YWYEfwksYRR9wU8Hh/ID // SIG // 9hRCEkbUoQ2W7mMpsp2Nbp/kcn4ivfolUy3Q9Yf0scsQ // SIG // 6WTLYpm+AoCUJTGCGcswghnHAgEBMFgwQTETMBEGCgmS // SIG // JomT8ixkARkWA0dCTDETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0FN // SIG // RTEVMBMGA1UEAxMMQU1FIENTIENBIDAxAhM2AAAB33OB // SIG // lxa+Mv0NAAIAAAHfMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUAoIGuMBkG // SIG // CSqGSIb3DQEJAzEMBgorBgEEAYI3AgEEMBwGCisGAQQB // SIG // gjcCAQsxDjAMBgorBgEEAYI3AgEVMC8GCSqGSIb3DQEJ // SIG // BDEiBCC7rz1/J7GRxMb0329HrGoPJWtS0bFDlh6eg9oN // SIG // B+5m0jBCBgorBgEEAYI3AgEMMTQwMqAUgBIATQBpAGMA // SIG // 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