Microsoft 365

使用 Microsoft Teams 构建协作应用

这场疫情极大地加快了技术成为混合工作的核心推动力,而开发者是这场变革的关键。在去年的 Microsoft Build 开发者大会上,我们推出了协作应用,这是一种新的应用模式,用于汇集人员、流程和数据,帮助用户出色应对混合工作场所。正如移动设备完全改变了人们的软件使用方式一样,协作应用正在改变每个组织中人员的协作方式。

Microsoft Teams 的每月活跃用户数超过 2.7 亿,为开发者提供了一个构建协作应用的绝佳机会。自 2020 年初以来,Teams 中定制应用或第三方应用的每月活跃用户数已经增长了 10 倍以上。目前有 1,400 多个 Teams 应用,并且越来越多的独立软件供应商 (ISV) 正在从使用基于 Teams 和 Microsoft 365 服务的应用的客户那里获得了数百万的年收入。展望未来,我们期待将数字世界和物理世界结合在一起的新兴技术(如 Microsoft Mesh for Teams),为 Teams 上的协作体验带来新的参与可能性。 

在今年的 Build 2022 开发者大会上,我们将为构建适用于 Teams 和 Microsoft 365 的协作应用的开发者分享一些增强功能和新增功能。请观看 Charles Lamanna 的主题演讲《使用协作应用和低代码进行创新》,以查看亮点。请继续阅读以全面回顾我们的 Build 公告,这些公告在这里分为三个部分:帮助你用丰富的协作体验取悦用户的新方法、提高工作效率以及提高用户参与度并将你的应用变现。我们迫不及待地想看到你将用这些创新来构建什么!


Live Share 简介:Teams 会议中的交互式应用体验

我们即将推出 Live Share 功能,该功能可以让应用超越被动屏幕共享,还可以让参与者能够在 Teams 会议中共同观看、共同编辑、共同创造等等。开发人员可以使用 Teams SDK 的新预览扩展轻松扩展现有的 Teams 应用,并在会议中创建 Live Share 体验。Fluid Framework 支持状态、媒体和控制动作的复杂同步,并且只需前端开发,Live Share 就由它提供支持。 这种同步将在 Teams 托管和管理的 Microsoft Azure Fluid Relay 服务实例上运行 - 这对你来说是免费的。我们构建 Live Share 体验的早期合作伙伴包括 Frame.io、Hexagon、Skillsoft、MakeCode、Accenture、Parabol 和 Breakthru。观看 Live Share 点播会议并尝试新的 Teams SDK 扩展

Microsoft Teams 中 Live Share 协作的动态演示。

图 1.Hexagon Live Share 原型支持工程师一边注释和编辑 3D 模型与模拟,一边在 Teams 会议上集思广益。

Fluid Framework 和 Azure Fluid Relay 正式发布

Fluid Framework 集合了开源客户端 JavaScript 库,作为 Live Share 实时协作功能的基础。Azure Fluid Relay 是一个完全托管的云服务,支持 Fluid Framework 客户端。开发人员将使用 Fluid Framework 和 Azure Fluid Relay 来实现 Microsoft Teams 会议以外的应用的实时互动性。Fluid Framework、Azure Fluid Relay 服务和相应的 Azure Fluid 客户端 SDK 将准备用于生产场景,并在 2022 年中期推出。订阅 Microsoft 开发者博客,了解最新信息。观看点播会议,了解有关使用 Fluid Framework 和 Azure Fluid Relay 构建协作式 Web 应用的详细信息。

通过更新自适应卡片创建 Loop 组件

Microsoft Loop 组件是可操作的实时高效工作单元,它们可在各 Microsoft 365 应用中保持同步和自由移动,最初是 Teams 聊天和 Microsoft Outlook。今天,我们宣布开发人员能够创建 Loop 组件。现在,你可以轻松地将现有的自适应卡片演变成 Loop 组件,或创建一个基于自适应卡片的新 Loop 组件。此外,基于自适应卡片的 Loop 组件使用 Context IQ(在 Microsoft 应用和服务的后台工作的一套智能功能)可以在编辑器中显示,以直接保持在撰写电子邮件的流程中。Zoho Projects 将使用这些基于自适应卡片的 Loop 组件来支持用户在 Teams 和 Outlook 中使用,从而帮助其客户缩短事件响应时间,减少中断时长,并根据服务级别协议 (SLA) 改善整体性能。Zoho Projects 和 ServiceDesk Plus Cloud 是首批与 Microsoft 365 应用集成以实现 Microsoft Loop 的产品。这项功能的开发者个人预览版于 2022 年 6 月开始推出。订阅 Microsoft 开发者博客或在 Twitter 上 @Microsoft365Dev 关注我们,了解最新情况。

Zoho Projects 使用基于自适应卡片的 Loop 组件请求法务部批准的动态演示。

图 2.Zoho Projects 正在将自适应卡片扩展成为可操作的实时 Loop 组件,可跨 Teams 和 Outlook 工作。

Microsoft Azure 通信服务示例应用构建器简介

Microsoft Azure 通信服务与 Teams 的互操作性使你能够创建支持任何定制应用或网站上的客户与 Teams 中工作的员工之间进行无缝沟通的体验。例如,Teladoc Health 构建了首个完全集成的定制临床和管理虚拟医疗解决方案,让护理团队能够协作并直接在 Teams 中访问相关的临床数据,并能够向从定制应用加入的患者无缝提供虚拟护理。

并排显示 Teladoc Health 定制的虚拟医疗应用。左侧的临床团队视图显示患者,右侧的患者视图显示医生。

图 3.Teladoc Health 支持护理人员从 Teams 中工作和联系,而患者则从使用 Azure 通信服务构建的定制应用中加入。

今天,我们将推出 Azure 通信服务示例应用构建器,开发人员无需编码即可在短短几分钟内轻松构建和部署一个用于虚拟预约的示例应用程序。借助这个样本应用,客户可以预定 Microsoft Bookings 支持的约会,并通过一个具有公司品牌化体验的定制 Web 应用加入 Teams 会议,而员工则使用 Teams 加入预定的约会。该示例应用是完全开源的,开发人员可以利用代码进行更多的定制。访问 Github 以了解详细信息

使用 Microsoft Graph API 增强功能将聊天和频道消息嵌入应用中

Microsoft Graph 聊天 API 使开发人员能够将 Teams 聊天嵌入到其应用程序中,从而让他们的用户能够无缝协作,而无需在应用之间来回切换。我们将推出几个新的预览版 API,其功能包括:支持与联合用户(如你租户以外的用户)聊天,识别当前用户已读和未读的消息,以及订阅用户聊天和会员变更。这些新的 API 将在 2022 年中期推出正式版。访问我们的聊天消息资源类型文档页面并查看点播会议,以了解详细信息。

SharePoint 框架和 Microsoft Viva Connections

SharePoint 是非常灵活的内容协作平台,支持整个 Microsoft 365 中的体验。现在,借助 SharePoint 框架可以在 SharePoint 网站、Teams 应用和其他地方创建部件和页面。它是新 Microsoft Viva Connections 员工体验平台的扩展功能的核心。请观看操作方法会议,了解如何为 Viva Connections 构建直接与 Teams 应用集成的定制员工体验。

移动应用中的 Viva Connections 和 Teams 中的主页的并列视图。

图 4.同时在 Teams 和移动设备上运行的样本 Microsoft Viva Connections 应用。


Microsoft Teams 中的审批有助于从一线工作人员到办公室工作人员的每个人直接在工作流中轻松创建、管理和分享审批。我们即将为审批引入创建、读取、更新和删除 (CRUD) API。开发人员可以使用审批 API 在业务线应用中启用审批,并使用 Webhook 跟踪变化,并在 Teams 中使用审批推动工作流。审批 API 将在 2022 年中期提供预览版。订阅 Microsoft 开发者博客,了解最新信息。观看点播会议 ,了解详细信息。


构建一次,然后在 Teams 和 Microsoft 365 中随处部署

今天,我们正式发布新的 Teams SDK,该 SDK 让你可以使用单一应用程序和部署模型为 Teams、Outlook 和 Office 构建应用,并构建利用每个产品相关功能的协作应用。开发人员现在可以升级到最新的 Teams JS SDK v2 和 App manifest v1.13,以构建生产型 Teams 应用,并在 Outlook 和 Office 的预览频道上与用户一起进行全面试点。这样,开发人员就能够获得反馈,并为今年晚些时候在 Outlook 和 Office 上分发应用做准备。

这些更新可向后兼容,所以现有的所有 Teams 应用将在 Teams 中继续按原样运行,并得到生产级的支持。我们的 Teams 开发者体验(包括 Microsoft Teams 开发者文档、工具、支持和代码库)已经更新,支持扩展的应用。你将能够使用现有的 Teams 体验分发单租户和多租户应用。要了解详细信息,请查看有关在 Microsoft 365 中扩展 Teams 应用的点播会议

MURAL 扩展个人选项卡和基于搜索的消息扩展的动态演示。

图 5.MURAL 正在将其 Teams 应用的个人选项卡和基于搜索的消息扩展扩展到其他 Microsoft 主机应用。

MURAL 是早期合作伙伴之一,这些合作伙伴通过其应用实现跨 Teams、Outlook 和 Office 的连接体验,比如上面的例子显示了基于搜索的消息扩展将 MURAL 直接插入 Outlook 消息中作为交互式自适应卡片。除了 MURAL,包括 Adobe、eCare Vault、go1、monday.com、Polly、ServiceNow、SurveyMonkey 和 Zoho 在内的其他几个合作伙伴都帮助我们做好了这些新工具的准备,我们很高兴在 Microsoft Build 开发者大会上向大家正式发布这些工具。

适用于 Visual Studio Code 和 CLI 的 Teams 工具包现已正式发布

适用于 Visual Studio、Visual Studio Code 和命令行接口 (CLI) 的 Teams 工具包是用于快速构建 Teams 和 Microsoft 365 应用的工具。无论你是 Team 平台的新手还是经验丰富的开发人员,Teams 工具包都是创建、构建、调试、测试和部署应用的最佳方式。今天,我们很高兴地宣布适用于 Visual Studio Code 和 CLI 的 Teams 工具包现已推出正式版 (GA)。开发人员可以从基于场景的通知和命令与响应机器人的代码支架开始,自动升级到最新的 Teams SDK 版本,并直接对 Outlook 和 Office 调试应用。今天就开始使用 Teams 工具包构建应用吧。

用于开发者演示的基于场景的代码支架的 Github 屏幕视图。

图 6.使用适用于 Visual Studio Code 的 Teams 工具包构建适用于 Microsoft Teams 的通知应用。

Power Apps 中的 Collaboration Controls

我们发布了 Power Apps 中的 Collaboration Controls,让开发人员可以在使用 Power Apps 构建的自定义应用中直接拖放 Microsoft 365 协作功能,如 Teams 聊天、会议、文件、Tasks by Planner 等等。Collaboration Controls 将在 2022 年中期提供预览版。观看点播会议 ,了解详细信息。订阅 Power Apps 博客,以获取更新信息。


适用于 Microsoft 365 的应用合规自动化工具

Microsoft 365 应用合规程序旨在评估和展示基于应用程序的行业标准(如 SOC 2、PCI DSS 和 ISO 27001)的可信度,以实现安全、隐私和数据处理做法。我们发布适用于 Microsoft 365 的应用合规自动化工具预览版,以帮助加快 Azure 上构建的应用程序的合规旅程。凭借此工具,开发人员可以自动完成大量任务,更快、更容易地实现认证。此工具还可以生成方便开发人员分享的报告,帮助 IT 部门了解应用的安全性和合规性。从适用于 Microsoft 365 的应用合规自动化工具文档页面了解详细信息。


Teams Store 通过更新的应用类别、策展的应用集合、精选的热门应用以及基于同事和同行正在使用的应用的智能建议,帮助用户找到合适的应用。在这次 Microsoft Build 开发者大会上,我们在 Teams Store 中提供了一个中心体验,帮助用户跟踪他们在各种 Teams 和群组聊天中使用的应用,并了解这些应用需要哪些权限。我们还通过选项卡、消息扩展和连接器发现更符合场景的应用,以帮助用户找到合适的应用,并在 Teams 中更多地使用 ISV 应用。例如,在撰写消息的场景中,消息扩展的建议将按任务和用户可能采取的行动来组织。最后,移动设备上的用户现在可以直接从移动设备上添加应用,例如通过链接或二维码添加。

Teams 应用的应用内购买

合作伙伴和开发人员的一个首要要求是能够直接从 Teams 应用中加入付费墙体验。这让你能够将免费应用变成免费增值版本,你可以选择何时提示用户何时订阅应用。新的应用内购买功能今天就可以使用,只需几行代码就可以调用。从我们的应用内购买文档页面了解详细信息。

Microsoft Teams 应用内购买的订阅计划选项。

图 7.开发人员只需几行代码就可以在 Teams 内直接启用免费增值升级。

Teams 应用许可证管理

我们正在推进的另一个领域是支持用户管理和分配购买的许可证。以前是由开发人员在其解决方案中构建许可证管理组件,无论是在其登陆页面上构建还是在应用中直接构建。为了帮助简化许可证管理体验,我们很快会让你能够将许可证管理功能移到 Microsoft,用户可以直接在 Teams 中管理和分配许可证。Teams 中的许可证管理将在 2022 年中期提供预览版。

新的协作应用即将引入 Teams

我们很高兴看到 ISV 向 Teams 引入了跨各种场景的新协作应用。以下只是举几个例子来说明现在或即将推出的新应用:

    适用于 Teams 的
  • MURAL 应用让各地的团队能够将共享协作空间直接引入 Microsoft Teams。用户可以通过异步视觉协作改善团队合作,并利用数百个模板和可靠的指导方法,将缺乏参与感的对话转化为富有成效的会议和研讨会,助力团队取得突破性成果。MURAL 是 Microsoft 的预览合作伙伴,MURAL 应用现在可以在 Teams、Outlook 和 Office 中使用,提供单一的连接体验。
  • 适用于 Teams 的
  • Observable 应用允许公司将其数据、背景资料和逻辑汇集到一处,以协作方式发现见解,并加速整个组织的数据驱动决策。 2022 年 6 月,Observable 应用将迎来新的更新,更新后可在 Observable 中通过评论进行协作时提供 Microsoft Teams 的通知。
  • SAP S/4HANA 运营买家聊天机器人在对话式用户体验中向 SAP S/4HANA 用户提供 Microsoft Teams 的协作功能。它使用 Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) 身份验证,并利用 Microsoft Graph API 允许用户在业务用户已经过身份验证的背景下直接从机器人呼叫其他方或安排与业务伙伴的 Teams 会议。这在 SAP 的一个独立应用中紧密集成了 Teams 协作体验,在用户需要的地方提供了连接和协作。
  • Zoho 的企业 IT 管理部门 ManageEngine 的
  • ServiceDesk Plus Cloud 应用利用 Microsoft Teams 简化业务和 IT 服务交付,管理并加快 IT 事件的解决,以及改善整个企业的服务体验。即将推出的 ServiceDesk Plus Clod 应用将使用 Loop 组件增强其现有的静态自适应卡片,因此处理票证的每个人都能获得最新的更新并触发服务台任务,且无需切换选项卡。
  • Figma 是一个协作设计平台,正在推出一款新的应用,该应用可以使团队能够在 Teams 会议中实时分享、展示和协作处理 Figma 和 FigJam 文件。该应用还利用了新的自适应卡片功能,因此当用户在 Teams 聊天中分享 Figma 或 FigJam 文件的链接时,卡片会展开,允许用户在 Teams 中打开文件。用户还可以直接从 Teams 查看和回复文件通知。Figma 应用将于 2022 年晚些时候在 Teams 应用商店推出。


下面回顾了用于了解有关在 Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft 365 上开发协作应用的详细信息的关键资源:


Build collaborative apps with Microsoft Teams

The pandemic has dramatically accelerated the role of technology as a core enabler for hybrid work, and developers are at the heart of this transformation. Last Microsoft Build, we introduced collaborative apps, a new app pattern designed to bring people, processes, and data together to help users thrive in the hybrid workplace. Just like mobile devices completely transformed how people consume software, collaborative apps are transforming how people in every organization work together.

With more than 270 million monthly active users, Microsoft Teams offers developers an unmatched opportunity to build collaborative apps. Since the beginning of 2020, monthly active users of custom-built or third-party apps in Teams have grown more than tenfold. There are more than 1,400 Teams apps, with more and more independent software vendors (ISVs) generating millions in annual revenue from customers using their apps built on Teams and Microsoft 365 services. Looking ahead, we expect emerging technologies that bring the digital and physical worlds together, like Microsoft Mesh for Teams, to open new engaging possibilities for collaborative experiences on Teams. 

This year at Build 2022, we are sharing several enhancements and new capabilities for developers building collaborative apps for Teams and Microsoft 365. Watch my keynote with Charles Lamanna, Innovate with collaborative apps and low code, to view the highlights. Read on to get a full recap of our Build announcements, which are organized here in three sections: new ways to help you delight your users with rich collaborative experiences, scale your productivity and grow user engagement, and monetize your apps. We can’t wait to see what you will build with these innovations!

Delight users with rich collaborative experiences

Introducing Live Share: Interactive app experiences in Teams meetings

We are introducing Live Share, a capability for your apps to go beyond passive screen sharing and enable participants to co-watch, co-edit, co-create, and more in Teams meetings. Developers can use new preview extensions to the Teams SDK to easily extend existing Teams apps and create Live Share experiences in meetings. Live Share is backed by the power of Fluid Framework, which supports sophisticated synchronization of state, media, and control actions with only front-end development. This synchronization will run on Teams hosted and managed Microsoft Azure Fluid Relay service instance—at no cost to you. Our early partners building Live Share experiences include Frame.io, Hexagon, Skillsoft, MakeCode, Accenture, Parabol, and Breakthru. Watch our Live Share on-demand session and try out the new Teams SDK extensions.

In motion demonstration of Live Share collaboration in Microsoft Teams.

Figure 1. Hexagon Live Share prototype enables engineers to annotate and edit 3D models and simulations, while they brainstorm together in Teams meetings.

Fluid Framework and Azure Fluid Relay general availability

Fluid Framework is a collection of open-source, client-side JavaScript libraries that underpin the Live Share real-time collaboration capabilities. Azure Fluid Relay is a fully managed cloud service that supports Fluid Framework Clients. Developers are using Fluid Framework and Azure Fluid Relay to enable real-time interactivity on their apps beyond Microsoft Teams meetings. Fluid Framework, the Azure Fluid Relay service, and the corresponding Azure Fluid client-side SDK will be ready for production scenarios and available in mid-2022. Subscribe to Microsoft Developer Blogs for updates. Watch the on-demand session to learn more about building collaborative web apps with Fluid Framework and Azure Fluid Relay.

Create Loop components by updating Adaptive Cards

Microsoft Loop components are live, actionable units of productivity that stay in sync and move freely across Microsoft 365 apps starting with Teams chat and Microsoft Outlook. Today, we are announcing the ability for developers to create Loop components. Now you can easily evolve an existing Adaptive Card into a Loop component or create a new Adaptive Card-based Loop component. Additionally, Adaptive Card-based Loop components can be surfaced with Editor using Context IQ, our set of intelligent capabilities working in the background of Microsoft apps and services, to stay directly in the flow of composing an email. Zoho Projects is using these Adaptive Card-based Loop components to help its customers improve incident response times, reduce outage durations, and improve overall performance against service-level agreements (SLAs), by enabling users to complete these tasks across Teams and Outlook. Zoho Projects and ServiceDesk Plus Cloud are among the first products integrated with Microsoft 365 apps to implement Microsoft Loop. Developer private preview for this capability starts in June 2022. Subscribe to Microsoft Developer Blogs or follow us on Twitter @Microsoft365Dev for updates.

In motion demonstration of Zoho Projects using the Adaptive Card-based Loop components for legal approval.

Figure 2. Zoho Projects is extending adaptive cards to be live, actionable Loop components that work across Teams and Outlook.

Introducing Microsoft Azure Communication Services sample app builder

Microsoft Azure Communication Services interoperability with Teams enables you to create experiences that support seamless communications between customers on any custom app or website and employees working in Teams. For example, Teladoc Health built the first-of-its-kind custom fully integrated clinical and administrative virtual healthcare solution that allows care team collaboration and access to relevant clinical data directly within Teams, and the ability to seamlessly deliver virtual care to patients who join from a custom app.

Side-by-side display of Teladoc Health custom app for virtual healthcare. Clinical team view to the left showing patient and patient view to the right showing physician.

Figure 3. Teladoc Health is enabling care providers to work and connect from Teams while patients join from a custom app built using Azure Communication Services.

Today, we are introducing the Azure Communication Services sample app builder, enabling developers to easily build and deploy a sample application for virtual appointments in just a few minutes, with no coding needed. Through the sample app, customers can book appointments powered by Microsoft Bookings and join a Teams meeting through a custom web app with a company-branded experience, while staff use Teams to join scheduled appointments. The sample app is fully open source and developers can tap into the code for more customization. Visit Github to learn more.

Microsoft Graph API enhancements to embed chats and channel messages into your apps

Microsoft Graph chat APIs enable developers to embed Teams chats into their applications, enabling their users to collaborate seamlessly without having to switch back and forth across apps. We are introducing several new APIs in preview with capabilities such as enabling chats with federated users (like users outside your tenant), identifying which messages are read and unread by the current user, and subscribing to user chats and membership changes. These new APIs will be generally available in mid-2022. Visit our chat message resource type docs page and view the on-demand session to learn more.

SharePoint Framework and Microsoft Viva Connections

SharePoint is the most flexible content collaboration platform powering experiences across Microsoft 365. SharePoint Framework now lets you create parts and pages in SharePoint sites, Teams apps, and more. It is at the center of our extensibility capabilities for the new Microsoft Viva Connections employee experience platform. Check out the how-to session on building tailored employee experiences for Viva Connections that directly integrate with Teams apps.

Side-by-side view of Viva Connections in mobile app and home site in Teams.

Figure 4. A sample Microsoft Viva Connections app running in both Teams and on a mobile device.

Approvals extensibility

Approvals in Microsoft Teams help everyone—from frontline workers to office workers—to easily create, manage, and share approvals directly in the flow of work. We are introducing create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) APIs for Approvals. Developers can use the Approvals APIs to enable approvals within line of business apps and use webhooks to track changes and drive workflows with Approvals in Teams. The Approvals APIs will be available for preview in mid-2022. Subscribe to Microsoft Developer Blogs for updates. View the on-demand session to learn more.

Scale developer productivity

Build once and deploy anywhere across Teams and Microsoft 365

Today, we are announcing the general availability of the new Teams SDK that enables you to build apps for Teams, Outlook, and Office using a single application and deployment model and build collaborative apps that make use of the capabilities relevant to each product. Developers can now upgrade to the latest Teams JS SDK v2 and App manifest v1.13 to build production Teams apps, and run full-scale pilots with users on the preview channels of Outlook and Office. This will enable developers to get feedback and prepare for the distribution of their apps on Outlook and Office later this calendar year.

These updates are backward compatible so all your existing Teams apps will continue to work as-is in Teams with production-level support. Our Teams developer experience including our Microsoft Teams Developer Documentation, tooling, support, and code repository has been updated to support extended apps. You will be able to distribute both single-tenant and multi-tenant apps using existing Teams experiences. To learn more, check out our on-demand session about extending Teams apps across Microsoft 365.

In motion demonstration of MURAL extending personal tabs and search-based message extensions.

Figure 5. MURAL is extending its Teams app’s personal tabs and search-based message extensions to other Microsoft host apps.

MURAL is among the early partners bringing the connected experience across Teams, Outlook, and Office to life with their apps, like the example above showing a search-based message extension inserting a MURAL directly into the Outlook message as an interactive Adaptive Card. In addition to MURAL, several other partners, including Adobe, eCare Vault, go1, monday.com, Polly, ServiceNow, SurveyMonkey, and Zoho have helped us get these new tools ready and we are excited to make them generally available to everyone at Microsoft Build.

Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code and CLI now generally available

Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and command-line interface (CLI) are tools for building Teams and Microsoft 365 apps, fast. Whether you’re new to Teams platform or a seasoned developer, Teams Toolkit is the best way to create, build, debug, test, and deploy apps. Today we are excited to announce the Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code and CLI is now generally available (GA). Developers can start with scenario-based code scaffolds for notification and command-and-response bots, automate upgrades to the latest Teams SDK version, and debug apps directly to Outlook and Office. Get started building apps with Teams Toolkit today.

Github screen view for developers demonstration scenario-based code scaffolds.

Figure 6. Building a notification app for Microsoft Teams using the Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

Collaboration Controls in Power Apps

We are announcing Collaboration Controls in Power Apps to let developers drag and drop Microsoft 365 collaboration features like Teams chats, meetings, files, Tasks by Planner, and more right inside custom apps built with Power Apps. Collaboration Controls will be available in preview in mid-2022. View the on-demand session to learn more. Subscribe to the Power Apps blog for updates.

Grow user engagement and monetize your apps

App Compliance Automation Tool for Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 App Compliance Program is designed to evaluate and showcase the trustworthiness of application-based industry standards, such as SOC 2, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001 for security, privacy, and data handling practices. We are announcing the preview of the App Compliance Automation Tool for Microsoft 365 for applications built on Azure to help them accelerate the compliance journey of their apps. With this tool, developers can automate a significant number of tasks to achieve the certification faster and easier. This tool also produces reports that can be easily shared by developers to help IT gain visibility of app security and compliance. Learn more from our App Compliance Automation Tool for Microsoft 365 docs page.

Improved app management and discoverability

The Teams Store helps users find the right apps through updated app categories, curated app collections, featured top apps, and intelligent recommendations based on what colleagues and peers are using. This Microsoft Build, we are making available a central experience within the Teams Store to help users track the apps they are using across various Teams and group chats, and see what permissions are required by these apps. We are also making the discovery of apps through tabs, message extensions, and connectors more contextual to help users find the right apps and grow usage of the ISV apps in Teams. For example, in the context of composing messages, the message extension suggestions will be organized by tasks and actions users can take with it. Lastly, users on mobile devices can now add your apps right from the mobile device, such as from a link or QR code.

In-app purchasing for Teams apps

A top request from partners and developers is to provide the ability to include a paywall experience directly from within your Teams app. This gives you the ability to turn a free app into a freemium version, where you can choose when to prompt your users when to subscribe to your app. The new in-app purchase functionality is available today and can be invoked with a few lines of code. Learn more from our in-app purchases docs page.

Microsoft Teams subscription plan options for in-app purchasing.

Figure 7. Developers can enable freemium upgrades directly within Teams with a few lines of code.

Teams app license management

Another area we are making advancements in is enabling users to manage and assign purchased licenses. It’s previously been up to developers to build the license management component into their solution, whether on their landing page or directly within the app. To help streamline the license management experience, we will soon be offering the ability for you to offload the license management capabilities to Microsoft where users can manage and assign licenses—directly in Teams. License management in Teams will be available in preview in mid-2022.

New collaborative apps coming to Teams

We are excited to see ISVs bringing innovative collaborative apps to Teams across a broad range of scenarios. Here are just a few examples of the new apps available now or coming soon:

  • MURAL app for Teams gives teams everywhere the ability to bring a shared collaboration space directly into Microsoft Teams. Users can improve teamwork with asynchronous visual collaboration, and transform disengaged conversations into productive, engaging meetings and workshops using hundreds of templates and proven, guided methods that empower teams to deliver breakthrough results. MURAL is a Microsoft preview partner, and the MURAL app now works across Teams, Outlook, and Office for a single, connected experience.
  • Observable app for Teams allows companies to bring their data, context, and logic together in one place to uncover insights collaboratively and accelerate data-driven decision-making across the organization. New updates coming to the Observable app in June 2022 will offer Microsoft Teams notifications when collaborating through comments in Observable.
  • SAP S/4HANA operational purchaser chatbot provides collaborative capabilities of Microsoft Teams to SAP S/4HANA users within a conversational user experience. It uses Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication and leverages Microsoft Graph APIs to allow users to call other parties or schedule Teams meetings with business partners directly from the bot in the context of the authenticated business user. This provides tight integration of the Teams collaboration experience in a standalone app in SAP, bringing connectivity and collaboration where users need them.
  • ServiceDesk Plus Cloud app from ManageEngine, Zoho’s enterprise IT management division, leverages Microsoft Teams to streamline business and IT service delivery, manage and accelerate IT incident resolutions, and improve service experience across the enterprise. Coming soon, the ServiceDesk Plus Cloud app will enhance its existing static Adaptive Cards with Loop components, which will allow everyone working on the ticket to get the latest updates and trigger service desk tasks without switching tabs.
  • Figma, the collaborative design platform, is introducing a new app that will enable teams to share, present, and collaborate in real-time on Figma and FigJam files within a Teams meeting. The app also leverages the new Adaptive Card functionality so when a user shares a link to a Figma or FigJam file in a Teams chat, the card unfurls, allowing users to open the file from within Teams. Users can also view and respond to file notifications directly from Teams. The Figma app will be available later in 2022 in the Teams app store.

Learn more

Here’s a recap of the key resources to learn more about developing collaborative apps on Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365: