Typing faster is an educational course that teaches how to type with the keyboard faster, this Course will teach you where are the keys on your keyboard and when must be pressed, the course starts with the very basics of typing and after complete each level the difficulty starts to increase. Let me introduce you to this wonderful adventure! Ducky is a duck that has a hydrogen-powered rocket, flying over Skull Island, his rocket was damaged and the command keys he uses to control the rocket were lost all over the island, we have to help him with our keyboard keys to finding them.
This is the first time Birdys Typing Faster is going to be online on Beta 1.0 am very excited to share it with you, regards Arius Tigger.
IVN Studio著作權
Birdys Typing Faster開發者
IVN Studios發行日期
在登入您的 Microsoft 帳戶時取得此 App 並在您的最多 10 部 Windows 10 裝置上安裝。此產品必須安裝在內接式硬碟上。
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