Do you love playing cards with your friends and family? Are you competitive with your friends, and even more so with your family? Screw Your Neighbor is a competitive and fun game, that's easy to learn, and impossible to master. The rule to score points is simple: just make your bid. But the rules also mean that someone will not make their bid, EVERY hand! (Hence the name, Screw Your Neighbor.) SYN Scoring allows you to score the game. More importantly, by showing the graph after every hand, the leader can brag, and you can make fun of who's behind... But don't worry, the next hand will have new results. You can play with 3 to 16 people, although 5 to 9 is ideal. If you play with 8 or more players, you should play with two decks of cards.
In version 2.0: - Added scores to the graphs, so you no longer need to hover over the graph to see the score! - Updated code to run on the newest version of Microsoft's .NET.
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