AssetAnnals Displays and Stores Stock Market Price Information
⦁ You would be interested in AssetAnnals if you buy and sell stock market assets and wish to record and analyze transactions and valuations with multiple perspectives.
⦁ You will be able to compute account value balances, track account history, combine account balances into portfolios and track valuations over time. Account Balances are categorized as dollar valued Assets.
⦁ AssetAnnals provides a customizeable listing of Stock Quotes, Account Balances, and Portfolio Combinations.
⦁ Facilities and tools are provided to group and merge multiple companies' quotes and account balances under a single Symbol which may then be viewed as a Portfolio.
⦁ Each member of a Portfolio may be have transactions to form positions in the Portfolio that record and track valuations over time.
⦁ There are other apps with similar facilities, but the thing that makes AssetAnnals useful is the ability to customize the displays, the flexibility of the tools and visibility of the data.