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狙擊任務3D:現代射手是一款由Modern Alchemists推出的全新射擊遊戲。在這令人驚訝的超真實3D狙擊遊戲中殺爆全場!作為一位軍隊狙擊手,捲起你的袖子擊倒那些前來襲擊你的敵人。用你精巧的技術,以及侵略如火的殺傷技巧,和世界的恐怖子發起戰爭,成為終極的狙擊手。無論是在隱藏位置,或是超遠距離,軍隊需要你除掉敵人。像個現代狙擊手一般解決你的敵人! 特色: *使用現在3D圖像的超真實3D狙擊遊戲 *正是每個受聘的暗殺者需要那些的狙擊步槍和突擊步槍 *解鎖並升級你的死亡武器(包含傳說中的Dragunov!) *超過150個任務,包���直升機和悍馬車任務! *精進你的技術,並用有個好價錢的支線任務贏得金幣! *超酷的動畫(血腥的死亡動畫) *專精爆頭來贏得額外的點數和金幣 *使用現代最好��鬥技術以及現代戰鬥方式設計 *超薄3D圖像 *公平的遊戲中環境:這是個非付費遊戲! *到哪都能玩!不需要網路連線。趕緊試試吧! 狙擊���務是最獨特的射擊遊戲之一,是用現代戰爭技術及戰鬥技巧設計。用你的手指操作左輪手槍或機關槍,試圖爆頭!若你是個擁有終極技巧的暗殺者,你應該在最短的時間內殺光他們。 ***現在拿起你的步槍,準備扣下板機!*** 注意: *新的內容(更��現代武器、地區)正在製作! *告訴我們你想在遊戲中看到什麼特色或武器!我們總在尋求實在的意見回饋! 您會想要客製化您的暗殺者,或者和其他僱傭兵作戰嗎?(即多人遊戲) *若您喜歡射擊遊戲,請為我們評分,並幫助我們未來的發展! *若你非常喜歡這個遊戲,請購買些什麼! 謝謝! Ever wanted to see what it is like to be a modern sniper? Take a shot at it in this astonishing 3D sniping game, where you are a contract army sniper sent to the battlefield! Prepare to strike against terror, always aiming for the headshot and ready to kill! Bring the terrorists to justice! Fullfill the contract you signed up for! Use your sniper rifle to assassinate the bad guys. Fight against all modern terror and remember: You are the killer, waiting patiently for the perfect moment to make the shot. You are the ultimate lethal shooter. It is your call of duty to kill the bad guys once and for all! Now get your sniper rifle and be ready to pull the trigger. +++ DOWNLOAD THIS GAME AND START TO SHOOT THE ENEMIES NOW! +++ ♦ What we got for you? ♦ – Stunning modern 3D graphics. – Just the right sniper and assault rifles every contract assassin needs. – Unlock and upgrade your killing weapons. – Over 150 missions in total, including helicopter and humvee-based operations! – Improve your skills and earn some cash in great contract side missions. – Fair in-game ecosystem: this game is free to play! – Play anywhere! No internet connection required. Just give it a shot! ♦ How do you play this sniper game? ♦ – As an assassin ready to kill: aim for the headshot! – Move the sniper rifle by panning with your finger and fire at the terrorist by pressing the fire button. – Try to earn as much cash as possible to upgrade your wepaons. – Continue to train and improve your skills and thus proceed with the campaigns. ♦ What are you waiting for? ♦ Do you have the stuff to become the next hitman? If so, then: +++ LOAD, AIM AND SHOOT TO KILL! +++ ♦ Anything else? ♦ – New content (more modern weapons, regions) in the works! – Tell us what features or weapons you want to see in the game! We are always looking for honest feedback! Would you rather customize your assassin or kill other contract snipers (aka multiplayer)? – If you like this game, please rate us and support further development! – If you like this game even more, please purchase something! This really helps. +++ BIG THANKS! +++




★★★ WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 64.0 ★★★ ● Fixed the "watch video for diamonds/gold" buttons ● Removed the "Commercial Break" message ● Fixed the "App stops at screen with woman" error. ● Removed automatic Google Play Service login in main menu . ● Automatic rifle upgrade dialog fixes. If you like Sniper Ops 3D, please give us a nice review! It really helps us to further develop the game.


  • Stunning modern 3D graphics.
  • Just the right sniper and assault rifles every contract assassin needs.
  • Unlock and upgrade your killing weapons.
  • Over 150 missions in total, including helicopter and humvee-based operations!
  • Improve your skills and earn some cash in great contract side missions.
  • Fair in-game ecosystem: this game is free to play!
  • Play anywhere! No internet connection required. Just give it a shot!



Modern Alchemists OG


Copyright © 2018, Modern Alchemists OG




349.52 MB


適合 15 歲 (含) 以上

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