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Create and test APIs with Copilot

JUNE 12, 2024


AI FOR: Pros


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If you have experience building APIs, you know it’s a lengthy process. Thankfully, Copilot can help with some of the heavy lifting that comes with API creation. From the initial design to writing tests and debugging, see how Copilot can help you make and test an API.

What is an API?

APIs are a set of protocols, routines, and tools for building software applications. They allow different systems to effectively communicate requests and responses with one another. APIs are essentially the backbone of modern web and mobile apps, as they make it possible to fetch data from a server, send data to a server for processing, and even control hardware devices remotely.

How Copilot can help with API development

Whether you’re looking for API testing tools or need some structural ideas, Copilot is your companion in all aspects of the API-development process. Let’s look at how Copilot can help you make an API and more:

Outline and structure

A well-defined structure is critical for an efficient and scalable API. Use Copilot to get insights into the best API design practices and help you decide on the most effective structure and endpoints based on your specific needs.

Try these prompt examples for outlining and structuring an API:

  • Give me API design ideas for real-time chat applications.
  • Could you help me outline a RESTful API for managing online course registrations?
  • Propose a structure for an API that integrates with external IoT devices.

Generate boilerplate code

Starting a project with the right boilerplate code can save you hours of development time. Copilot can help generate foundational code for you based on your project's specifications and your preferred technology stack.

Here are a few boilerplate code prompt examples to get started:

  • Generate boilerplate code for a Flask-based API with endpoints for user registration and login.
  • Could you create a starter code for an API using ASP.NET Core?
  • Generate foundation code for a microservices architecture using Node.js.

Write code for endpoints

Endpoints are the operational heart of an API. From simple CRUD operations to more complex functionalities, Copilot can write endpoint logic while adhering to your outlined API structure.

Try prompt examples like these to help with writing endpoint code:

  • Can you write a Python function for a POST endpoint in Flask that accepts a JSON payload to create a new user in a database?
  • Code a GET endpoint for retrieving user profiles in a social network API.
  • Help me develop a PATCH endpoint for updating order status in an e-commerce API.
A quokka coding on their computer

Credit: Designer in Copilot

Authenticate and authorize

Security can never be an afterthought in API development. You need to authenticate and authorize your APIs so they’re protected against unauthorized access and data breaches. Use Copilot to set up advanced authentication and authorization schemes and more.

Try these prompt examples to help with the authentication and authorization process:

  • Show me how to implement JWT authentication in a Node.js Express API.
  • Can you explain how to integrate third-party OAuth providers in a mobile app API?
  • Demonstrate API rate limiting and user roles in a content management system.

Write tests

To see if your API works correctly, you must test it. Let Copilot assist you in writing comprehensive automated tests for your API.

Model your prompts after these to help with API test writing:

  • Could you help me create automated tests using Jest for an Express API endpoint that updates a user's profile information?
  • I need assistance writing unit tests to verify user authentication flows. Can you provide examples?
  • Can you outline stress testing strategies for a high-traffic API with an emphasis on maintaining performance under peak loads?


Identifying and fixing issues early can save a lot of headaches down the line. Ask Copilot for optimization suggestions and to identify potential bugs in your code.

Keep your API up to standards with prompts like these:

  • Please analyze this Python Flask API code for potential performance issues and suggest optimizations.
  • Can you identify potential security vulnerabilities in my Node.JS Express API and offer recommendations to mitigate any issues?
  • Review my ASP.NET Core API for common memory leaks and suggest actions to correct them.

With the help of Copilot and the Copilot app, you're well-equipped to tackle the challenges of API development and testing. Push the boundaries of what's possible in the tech world when you try Copilot for your next API project.

At Microsoft, we are always updating and testing features to offer our users the best possible experiences as we experiment with new approaches to functionality. To improve the user experience and streamline our tools that empower creativity, Bing Image Creator is now Designer and Bing Chat is now Copilot. Create wow-worthy images with your words and AI with Designer, and try Copilot, your AI-powered search assistant for the web.

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