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May 9, 2023

How to use a secure browser to protect yourself while online

When you’re online, your browser should defend you against threats such as phishing, malware, and privacy trackers. How can you help ensure that your browser performs at its best? See why browser security is important, how to audit if your browser is working, and what the best software to use is, such as Microsoft Edge.

Why does browser security matter?

Your operating system will contain antivirus software and malware detection, such as Microsoft Defender integrated in Windows 11. But your browser is effectively a filter that weeds out malicious site links, web scripts, and email attachments so they never reach your hard drive. Secure HTTPS protocols have made the “wild west” of the Internet much safer, but phishing attempts can still try to get you to click on a false link or enter your personal login information.

Privacy concerns also affect your browser. Tracking companies will follow what you search for and display ads for products or services that might be related, with almost uncanny accuracy. Having a browser that can block the latest third-party tracking cookies, malicious add-ons, or outdated (and easily hacked) plugins is vital to keeping your personal data your own.

Keep your browser updated

The most effective way to strengthen your browser’s defenses is to keep it updated. Security experts at Microsoft Edge and other browser developers work around the clock to issue security updates to detect and block out the newest threats.

Browsers like Microsoft Edge will alert you of new updates, and they can also apply automatic updates when you restart your browser. You can also check if your browser is up to date by going to Settings and selecting About Microsoft Edge on the lower left panel. Here, the page will tell you what the latest version is and check to see if it’s up to date. Rest assured that an updated browser is working at its best performance, from speed to security.

Try a browser with integrated security features

Enhance your online security with Microsoft Edge, which can provide an extra layer of security through operating system protections. You can choose from four different levels of added security, with Strict applying all protections to every website you visit. Try Microsoft Edge today and see how a secure browser can help give you peace of mind, no matter what you’re up to online.

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