Pattern 1A: Introductory blurb

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The user needs to understand what the system can do.


Provide a brief introduction to overall system capabilities and/or to a specific feature.

Use when

  • The user is not familiar with the type of system or feature.​​​​​​​
  • It is desirable to help the user differentiate among similar systems or features.


Make the introduction brief: One sentence or less, consumable in less than 10 seconds.

Make the introduction clear and descriptive.

The introduction may be displayed:

  • Next to the product or feature name in the actual product or an app store.
  • In a user-input field.
  • On the user’s initial interaction with a feature or product.
  • At the beginning of each interaction with a feature or product.
  • In a visible yet subtle manner.

Make the introduction easy to dismiss.

User benefits

  • Helps the user to discover non-obvious system capabilities.

Common pitfalls

  • The introduction portrays the AI system to be more capable than it is or mysterious and impossible to understand (e.g., “magic”).
  • The introduction is catchy, but not descriptive of actual system capabilities.
  • The introduction is in a hard-to-discover location.
  • Repeated exposure to the introduction may frustrate the user.
  • Certain UI displays may be subject to ad blindness.
  • The pattern implementation creates expectations that the system can do more than it is capable.

Note: Over-inflated user expectations have been shown to cause frustration and even product abandonment.


Guideline 1 > Pattern 1A > Example
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Guideline 1 > Pattern 1A > Example
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Guideline 1 > Pattern 1A > Example
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Guideline 1 > Pattern 1A > Example
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Guideline 1 > Pattern 1A > Example
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