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Dragon Medical One

Discover the number one clinical documentation companion.
Experience speech‑driven clinical documentation with secure, comprehensive support from pre‑charting to post-encounter.
A close-up of a doctor with a pen.

Type less, do more

Cut the clicks and move beyond the keyboard with sophisticated speech recognition.
  • Capture complete, high-quality documentation quickly and easily⁠—with advanced accent detection and no voice profile training required.
    A woman in a white coat holding a phone.
  • Capture clinical notes and navigate systems with ease so you can give patients the time and attention they deserve. Take the monotony out of repetitive tasks with custom voice skills that enrich your workflow experience.
    A doctor checking the pulse of a patient.
  • Document whenever and wherever you’re needed most with a flexible and portable solution.
    A doctor and a child in a hospital.
  • Streamline documentation with convenient shortcuts, easier access to specialized information, and seamless navigation of the electronic health record (EHR).
    A woman in a white coat talking on a phone.

Discover the cure for time‑consuming documentation challenges

Experience greater accuracy

Dictate notes immediately with best-in-class speech recognition capabilities—no voice profile training required. Achieve superior accuracy with automatic accent detection and audio calibration.

Select-and-say with built-in voice control

Format, correct, and navigate notes quickly and easily using natural-language commands designed to optimize workflows.


Save time with speech recognition intuitive enough to finish your sentences—and punctuate them correctly without verbal prompts.

Dictation done better

Dictate directly into the application of your choice, or use a dictation box to access your personalization's and transfer text between apps. Anchor dictation allows you to maintain focus as you move between multiple apps.

Smartphone mic

Pair with PowerMic Mobile to transform any workstation into a dictation station, giving you freedom to document notes using your smartphone as a secure wireless microphone.


Reduce time and eliminate repetitive data entry by automating how commonly used content and information is added to clinical notes. Customized shortcuts can be shared across users, departments, and organizations.

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Do more with Dragon

Boost satisfaction, increase efficiency, and improve financial outcomes with an extensible
AI workspace that scales across specialties, care settings, and devices.
Customer stories

What customers are saying

A woman sitting at a desk using a computer.
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Take your documentation to the next level

Contact us to speak to a specialist.
A woman in blue scrubs using a computer.

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A man and woman in scrubs, holding a folder and a clipboard respectively.

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