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Inclusion journey at Microsoft

Driving sustainable change in our industry won’t be easy, but we’re committed to putting in the work. Here’s how we plan on doing it.
Two people in a kitchen. One uses a laptop. Their surroundings are sketched; the inclusion journey at Microsoft.

At Microsoft, we know that real progress on diversity & inclusion takes real work. Our growth mindset culture encourages us to focus on the ways we can individually commit to learn, understand, and engage in support of those who may be different from us. Our determination to drive sustainable change for our company, grounds us in the ways we can make the systemic shifts necessary to create a more diverse and inclusive industry for all.

We do not have all of the answers, there is much we don’t know, but we do have the privilege of access to some of the leading minds in this space. These are the people from around the globe who are driving innovation and insight in D&I across concepts, communities and identities.

This site is intended to share some of the things we are discussing inside Microsoft and to use our platform to amplify the powerful work of these academics and thought leaders from outside of Microsoft. They provide unique perspectives from a variety of fields such as human behavior, sociology, anthropology, neuroscience, law, public policy, social justice, leadership development and economics.

We’ve chosen to bring together learning, storytelling and thought leadership content in one place so that those interested in exploring their own D&I journey can come to this work in the way that they find most meaningful.

We will add to this site in the coming months and years as we continue to learn and grow in Microsoft’s own D&I journey.


Two people sitting on wood boxes laughing.

For those who may be curious

We chose Work in Progress as the theme for this site, and this unfinished sketch concept for the visuals, to convey the reality of a true inclusion journey. In D&I nothing is ever finished, and in this moment in the world nothing is ever perfect. We have to move past needing to get it right, having all of the answers, and knowing everything. This is about a process of iteration – adapting how we think of ourselves and of others, as the world around us evolves. Work in progress is about getting comfortable with getting it wrong, taking accountability, learning, and getting better.

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