This is the Trace Id: c25921faa1af88aba3ff38051142f044
Two people having a conference call. One is on screen, while the other is watching at their desk in an office. The surroundings are sketched.

Listen and understand

Regardless of our intent, our words and actions impact those around us. To understand others’ experiences, we need to create space for their stories.

Understanding builds empathy

Storytelling is a powerful way to drive sustainable culture change. It’s not just about inspiration and emotion; it’s about sparking change and action.   

We must pay attention and listen closely. Our work here is to understand the lived experiences of others and build the empathy that drives us to act.

A person working on their laptop in a sketched home environment.

Employee Stories

Anything is possible when everyone is included. Discover stories told by Microsoft employees and illustrated by members of their communities, at Microsoft and around the world.

Diversity & Inclusion Global Insights

The diversity & inclusion conversation varies from region to region and country to country, and while the power dynamics of exclusion are the same, the identities and communities are different.
Two employees having a conversation in a sketched office environment.

Not sure where to start?

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