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Corporate Governance 

  • A. A current list of our Board members and executive officers can be found on the Leadership Page.
  • A. A current list of independent directors can be found on the Corporate Governance Fact Sheet. The Board of Directors has established director independence guidelines to assist it in determining the independence of a director, which will either meet or be more restrictive than the definition of "independent director" in the listing standards of the Nasdaq Stock Market, and applicable laws and regulations. The Board will also consider all other relevant facts and circumstances bearing on independence.
  • A. Yes. Only independent directors serve on Microsoft's four Board Committees
  • A. At each quarterly Board meeting, time is set aside for the independent directors to meet in executive session without Company management present.
  • A.This information is available in our Corporate Governance Guidelines
  • A. We maintain the confidentiality of the votes of individual shareholders. Ballots, proxy forms, and voting instructions returned to brokerage firms, banks, and other holders of record are kept confidential. Only the proxy solicitor, the proxy tabulator, and the inspector of election have access to the ballots, proxy forms, and voting instructions. The proxy solicitor and the proxy tabulator will disclose information taken from the ballots, proxy forms, and voting instructions only if there is a proxy contest, if the shareholder authorizes disclosure, to defend legal claims, or as otherwise required by law. If you write comments on your proxy card or ballot, management may learn how you voted in reviewing your comments.
  • AYes. The Governance & Nominating Committee considers suggestions from many sources, including shareholders, regarding possible candidates for director. The procedures a shareholder wishing to propose a director candidate should follow are described in our Bylaws and Corporate Governance Guidelines.
  • AOur governance documents are available to download, including our Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Board Committee Charters, Corporate Governance Guidelines, Standards of Business Conduct, and Finance Code of Professional Conduct. Shareholders may also request written copies of these materials by writing to:

    MSC 123/9999

    Corporate Secretary

    Microsoft Corporation

    One Microsoft Way

    Redmond, WA 98052

  • A. Click here for copies of our most recent SEC filings. The SEC also maintains a web site at that contains our SEC filings.
  • ADeloitte & Touche LLP is Microsoft’s independent auditor. Shareholders ratify the appointment of Microsoft’s independent auditor annually at the Annual Shareholder Meeting. As required by the SEC’s auditor independence rules, the independent auditor must rotate audit partners on Microsoft’s account at least every five years, including the lead partner, the concurring partner and any partner on the audit engagement team who has responsibility for decision-making on significant auditing, accounting, and reporting matters that affect the financial statements or who maintain regular contact with management and the Audit Committee. Rotation of other independent auditor personnel is done in accordance with Deloitte & Touche LLP policies.
  • A. Click here for information about how to contact the Audit Committee.
  • AClick here for information about how to contact the Board of Directors.

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