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Timezone API

Fetch the Timezone for any latitude/longitude.

Azure Maps’ Timezone API allows developers to query current, historical, and future Timezone information for any location.

Contextualize your services with time zone data.

Get precise date and time zone data for any location to power applications for industries ranging from tourism to ecommerce, financial services, aerospace, and more.


The Timezone API allows you to retrieve the date and time by a specified latitude-longitude pair.

Offset Time

You can pull the name of the time zone with the time offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Get the current, historical, and future time zone information for a specified Internet Assigned Numbers Association (IANA) ID.

Language Choice

You can specify the language code in which you want the time zone data returned instead of the default English.

Timezone by coordinates

The Timezone by Coordinates API returns the date and historical, current, and future time zones for a given pair of latitude/longitude coordinates, as well as providing sunrise and sunset times for the location.


UTC and daylight savings

Choose to offset the time from Coordinated Universal Time and offset daylight savings in various formats as you fetch time zone data.


Timezone by IANA ID

Get the current, future, and historical time zone data for a specified IANA time zone ID. You can also have the API return a full list of IANA time zone IDs, with updates to the IANA service reflected in one day.


Windows time zone to IANA

The Windows to IANA Timezone API fetches a corresponding IANA ID, given a valid Windows Time Zone ID. You can narrow these results by adding an optional territory constraint.



You can add a timestamp specifying the date to the code while calling the API. If the reference time is omitted, the API will use the machine time serving the request.


Language Support

You can specify a language code in which the time zone names should be returned instead of the default English. Azure Maps provides localization support in dozens of global languages.

Azure Maps Timezone Service

The Azure Maps Timezone service, part of the Azure Maps suite, offers you precise time and date information for any location with options to localize time in UTC and offset daylight savings.

Azure Maps Timezone APIs

More local data and insight functionality

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The Azure Maps Weather service provides you with historical, normal, and actual weather information for any location, as well as options for severe weather alerts and route weather notifications.

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The Azure Maps Traffic service returns data on traffic flow and incidents for a particular area or route, showcasing the information as a customizable map overlay, to power navigation and routing solutions.

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Azure Maps Timezone APIs

Time your services to the locale you operate in.

Ready to start building?

Get started

Our platform provides you with everything you need — from subscription keys for API authentication to a plethora of code samples, demos and SDKs.

Azure Developer Resources


Complete with code samples, SDK support, and detailed explanations, this is a one-stop resource for enhancing your projects with the wide range of Azure Maps APIs.

Azure Code Samples


These pre-written snippets show how to perform various API calls for current weather, forecasts, and severe weather alerts, among other functionalities.

Frequently asked questions

  • There are a few different ways the API can fetch a location’s time zone. It can return time zone information for a set of latitude/longitude coordinates, for a specified IANA ID, or convert a Windows Time Zone ID to its corresponding IANA ID.

  • Yes. The API can return the time for that time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time.

  • Yes. When you’re calling an Azure Maps Timezone API, you can specify the start date from which daylight savings time transitions are requested.

  • The first 5,000 transactions are free for the Azure Maps Timezone service, following which, you pay only for the volume of transactions you use. Check out our pricing tiers for more

  • Azure Maps offers you unmatched geospatial mapping toolsets that are versatile across industries and use cases. You can bank on Microsoft Azure Maps for highly reliable service and uptime with 24/7 customer support. Benefit from a pay-as-you-go model where you’re only charged for what you use.

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