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Map the fastest route to any destination.

Find the fastest possible route based on a single origin and destination. Modify route types and travel conditions with the Directions API.

Make every journey your own

From simple A to B travel for individuals to commercial journeys spanning multiple terrains. Azure Maps adds additional context on each route with real-time, relevant location data including weather, traffic and much more.

Real-time Data

Think ahead with Azure Maps, avoiding congested roadways, closures, and constructions using real-time data.

Multiple Vehicles

Generate unique routes for every vehicle, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more.

Modify Route Types

Pick from multiple route types for every journey, including fastest, shortest, eco, and thrilling, to get directions.

Optimize Resources

Save on fuel, energy, and time by mapping directions based on your vehicle’s resource consumption models.

Route Range

The Directions API allows users to do more with their fleet. Find the maximum possible traversable distance for every vehicle based on the available resources.


Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding

Use the geocoding service to convert addresses into simple geographic coordinates for easy routing, or vice-versa with reverse geocoding.


Location Data

Work with Azure’s robust data infrastructure to build reliable routing solutions. Access local weather, traffic, and satellite imagery data to generate multilayered routes through the Directions API.

Azure Maps Routing Service

This Azure Maps service generates accurate routes for intuitive navigation. Developers can use this API to build agile software that can provide reliable directions while accounting for local conditions like weather and traffic.

Azure Maps Routing APIs

More Azure Maps routing solutions

dashboard of electric vehicle

EV Data

Access an up-to-date repository of EV data for direction mapping, including information on nearby charging points. Enjoy hassle-free EV routing with mapping solutions that include reachable ranges for your EV fleet.

electric truck at charging station

Truck Routing

Simplify large-scale fleet management with the Azure Maps Truck Routing service. Generate the perfect route that accounts for local cargo restrictions and avoids road closures.

view of Earth from orbit

Azure Maps Routing APIs

Going from A to B has never looked better.

Ready to start building?

Get started

Our platform provides you with everything you need — from subscription keys for API authentication to a plethora of code samples, demos and SDKs.

Azure Developer Resources


Complete with code samples, SDK support, and detailed explanations, this is a one-stop resource for enhancing your projects with the wide range of Azure Maps APIs.

Azure Code Samples


These pre-written snippets show how to perform various API calls for current weather, forecasts, and severe weather alerts, among other functionalities.

Frequently asked questions

  • You can start building right away by following our simple three-step process. Sign up for an Azure Maps subscription, create an instance on your profile, and get a subscription, or use a managed identity to start building your app. Please contact an Azure Maps expert if you have any questions about the platform.

  • The API provides plenty of flexibility for real-world usage. Developers can specify parameters like acceleration efficiency, the current amount of fuel in the vehicle, the type of fuel being used, and so much more. Visit the directions documentation page to view the full list.

  • Absolutely. Check out our multiple waypoints route demo for an interactive look at the API. You can also consult our code samples to get a closer look at how this Azure Maps service operates.

  • You don’t need to have prior mapping experience to start building with Directions. We provide up-to-date documentation for beginners and experts alike, covering everything from the basics to advanced guides.

  • Yes. Mapping directions for multiple sets of origins and destinations is easy with Azure Maps. You can do so either synchronously or asynchronously. Visit our route directions batch page to learn more.

green abstract landscape

Azure Maps

Advanced mapping and visualization features for your applications.

More features from Azure Maps

a bird’s eye view of a sprawling city

Data and Insights

Process and analyze massive amounts of real-time and historical location data with Azure Data services to find the best possible solutions to logistics challenges.

two neon-lit trucks at night

Location Services

Map supply chains, locate POIs, and create customized experiences with powerful geolocation data, all backed by robust search APIs and extensive GIS databases.

team using map on Surface device

Mapping and Visualization

Create varied, fully customizable, and interactive graphs that inform creative decision-making. Experience a new way of visualizing your data.