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dashboard of electric vehicle

EV Data

EV Data you can rely on.

Add EV data to route drivers through crucial waypoints and nearby charging stations, customized according to each EV’s consumption model.

Modern routing for modern fleets

Built for evolving fleets. Create reliable routes for your EV fleet with the latest high-accuracy location data, ideal for transportation, logistics, and other industries.

Always Up-to-Date

Outdated data leads to stranded fleets. Stay ahead of road closures and rerouting delays with updated EV data.

Customizable Parameters

Determine the perfect route for your vehicles based on their physical dimensions and carrying capacities.

Reachable Ranges

Discover reliable EV routing that supports unique reachable ranges for every EV based on its consumption model.

Up-To-Date EV Data

Ensure your fleet always has the energy it needs to reach its destination with up-to-date data on road closures, limitations, charging station availability, and more.


Route Ranges

Find the maximum possible traversable distance for every EV based on the available time, distance budget, or energy – all of it visualized through an isochrone.


Route Matrix

Simplify EV fleet management by calculating routes for multiple sets of origins and destinations with a single API call.


Batch Geocoding

Convert complex order manifestos and address lists into simple geographical coordinates for EV routing with our batch geocoding services.


Find Charging Stations

Find nearby EV charging stations and other points of interest, like hotels along the route. Sort your POIs by name, category, or distance to the vehicle.


High-Accuracy EV Data

Build robust routing solutions backed by reliable, high-accuracy location data. Developers can use multiple types of location data for their apps, including up-to-date satellite imagery.

Azure Maps Routing Services

This Azure Maps Routing service, as part of Microsoft’s Azure Maps suite, allows users to create up-to-date routes for EV fleets and individual EVs. Developers can use this API to build fully interactive routes, including charging stations, satellite imagery, and more.

Azure Maps Routing APIs

More routing services

electric truck at charging station

Truck Routing

Solve complex logistics challenges with the Azure Maps Truck Routing service. Avoid road closures, local cargo type restrictions, and unsuitable terrain with an API that keeps up with your truck fleet.

information worker monitoring screens

Route Range and Route Matrix

Find the reachable distance for every vehicle in your fleet with a simple isochrone. Determine the best possible EV for every delivery based on travel time, distance, and energy constraints.

EV charge point

Azure Maps Routing APIs

EV routing, built for tomorrow.

Ready to start building?

Get started

Our platform provides you with everything you need — from subscription keys for API authentication to a plethora of code samples, demos and SDKs.

Azure Developer Resources


Complete with code samples, SDK support, and detailed explanations, this is a one-stop resource for enhancing your projects with the wide range of Azure Maps APIs.

Azure Code Samples


These pre-written snippets show how to perform various API calls for current weather, forecasts, and severe weather alerts, among other functionalities.

Frequently asked questions

  • Our simple signup process takes less than five minutes. Sign up for a free Azure Maps subscription and create an instance. Once you’ve picked a pricing tier that suits you, you’re all set to start building your EV solution.Contact an Azure Maps expert today to learn more about building with Azure Maps.

  • Developers can call Azure Maps REST APIs using Python or R. These languages are all you need to unlock access to our geospatial data analysis services and machine learning applications. Check out our coding samples to see Azure Maps APIs in action.

  • The Azure Maps REST APIs allow developers to input custom parameters based on each vehicle’s individual consumption. Your maximum reachable range will be determined by:

    • Travel mode
    • Engine type
    • Current charge (in kWh)
    • Maximum charge (in kWh)
    • Time budget
    • Route type
  • Absolutely. You don’t need to be an expert in EV data to make the most of our REST APIs. Azure Maps provides every developer with a massive base of updated documentation and guides covering the basics.

lavender abstract landscape

Azure Maps

Advanced mapping and visualization features for your applications.

More features from Azure Maps

a bird’s eye view of a sprawling city

Data and Insights

Process and analyze massive amounts of real-time and historical location data with Azure Data services to find the best possible solutions to logistics challenges.

two neon-lit trucks at night

Location Services

Map supply chains, locate POIs, and create customized experiences with powerful geolocation data, all backed by robust search APIs and extensive GIS databases.

team using map on Surface device

Mapping and Visualization

Create varied, fully customizable, and interactive graphs that inform creative decision-making. Experience a new way of visualizing your data.