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Microsoft 365

Get Going with New Yammer Mobile Apps

GTM-blog-emailinteropThe holidays are a time for travel, and staying connected can become a challenge. That’s what Yammer’s mobile apps are for – making it simple to be productive wherever you are. Today, we are excited to announce our latest updates to Yammer’s mobile apps; our team has been hard at work adding new features, streamlining design, and in some cases even rebuilding the app from scratch. Read on for details on what’s new on every platform – Windows Phone, Windows 8, iOS and Android. We hope you enjoy the updates!

iPhone & iPad

  • Updated both iPhone and iPad for iOS 7. Shiny.
  • Completely new iPad app. It’s more streamlined and the new design promotes easier tracking of unread group messages, so now you can browse through new messages in your Groups in addition to your Inbox.

ipad screenshot new design

Windows Phone 8

windows phone inbox

  • The Inbox is here! You can now access your Inbox to view your most relevant conversations and manage your messages.
  • New notifications and live tile functionality will alert you to Yammer messages when you don’t have the app open.
  • Group search has been added so you can now find Groups that may be of interest to you. You can also join and leave groups from the app.

Windows 8

  • You can now access and participate in Group Feeds, in addition to your Home Feed.
  • New notifications and live tile functionality will alert you to Yammer messages when you don’t have the app open.
  • “Snap” functionality has been added: you can now snap the Yammer app to the side of the screen so you can continue working in another application. True multitasking on mobile – finally!

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  • We’ve redesigned the Android experience to be more familiar to Android users.
  • Speak Korean, Japanese, German or Spanish? Well now Yammer does too! The app now detects your native language settings on the phone, and adjusts the interface accordingly. Note that this only reflects the interface, message content will remain in whichever language it was posted in.

These are a few highlights of our recent feature releases on mobile. We are always iterating and improving our mobile apps – please let us know your thoughts and comments below.