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Find what you need faster with XLOOKUP—now generally available

The highly anticipated XLOOKUP function in Excel is generally available for all users across Windows, Mac, and Excel on the web. XLOOKUP is the successor to the iconic VLOOKUP function, which has been one of the most used functions in Excel.

XLOOKUP helps users find what they need more efficiently with fewer limitations, from being able to look up a value vertically and horizontally (and to the left!) to supporting column insertions and deletions and more.

An animated image of Excel's XLOOKUP function being used on a tablet. The user is looking up offices, names, and roles.

Previously, we released XLOOKUP to Office Insiders and received lots of excitement and feedback on the feature. While you can still perform VLOOKUP functions, we encourage you to try XLOOKUP for better and faster results. For more information on XLOOKUP, read our help article and our previous announcement of XLOOKUP’s Office Insiders release.

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