Assess the AppSource certification readiness of your solution
As part of our continued effort to make the AppSource certification process faster and more transparent, we recently announced the public preview of PowerApps Build Tools that includes an Azure DevOps Build task (PowerApps Checker task) to validate your app against the AppSource certification criteria. This means that you can start validating your app today and you can do it continuously as part of your Build process, thereby running the validation earlier in the lifecycle and closer to the developer where issues are much faster and cheaper to resolve. However, setting up a fully automated build process via Azure DevOps is just one of many options to assess the readiness of your app before submitting to AppSource for certification.
Your full set of options to assess the AppSource certification readiness of your solution includes:
- Adopting the full set of Azure DevOps tasks outlined here and include the ‘PowerApps Checker Task’ in your build pipeline, making the validation part of your continuous CI/CD pipeline.
- Set up a simplified Azure DevOps pipeline with just the ‘PowerApps Checker task’ to validate the solution at any time
- Use the new PowerApps Checker PowerShell module as announced here, to run the AppSource Certification Ruleset against your solution(s).
We are truly excited be able to offer these new capabilities, which will help address feedback from partners asking for a faster, more simplified approach to the AppSource certification process. We are keep to continue to engage and would love to hear from you through Alternatively, send an email to