1 min read

New in ISV Studio: Read-only access!

A new feature in ISV Studio now allows publishers to give more users access to ISV Studio without also giving access to the publishing process in Partner Center! Up until now all users accessing ISV studio had to be an owner or contributor of a publisher account in Partner Center to get access. With this new capability, access can now be given directly from ISV Studio for additional users.

ISV Studio not only allows our publishers to monitor the success of their app but can also be used to track an organizations’ sales, marketing, and adoption metrics. ISV Studio allows you to monitor the success of your apps by giving you visibility into:

  • Usage analytics (Monthly/Weekly/Daily active usage)
  • Total number of installs and failed installs by Tenant, Geo, Date and Version
  • Installation failures log

We are expecting this new read-only access to make it easier for publishers to give more users in their organization access to this valuable telemetry, without granting access to Partner Center.

Note: Read only access can only be granted by the owner of the publisher account under which the app was published. Granting access to ISV Studio will not modify access or permission levels in Partner Center.

Learn more about how you can give users read-only access to ISV Studio at https://aka.ms/isvstudiodocs and sign-in to ISV Studio today! https://aka.ms/isvstudio

You can contact us from ISV Studio or email us directly at ISVFeedback@microsoft.com