January 2025 update of Power Automate for desktop

We are happy to announce that the January 2025 update of Power Automate for desktop (version 2.52) has been released! You can download the latest release here.

Key features

New features and updates have been added, as described below.

Summarizing actions and subflows with Copilot is now available (in preview)

Copilot can now be used to help you quickly understand desktop flows by summarizing the selected actions and/or subflows.

This functionality is currently only available in US-based environments for work or school accounts.

A screenshot of a computer
Copilot can now be used to create a summary for a group of actions or a subflow

One child desktop flow can now run in parallel with its parent flow

In the Run desktop flow action, a new toggle property is now available that allows the concurrent run of a child desktop flow, in parallel with its parent flow that invoked it, on the same machine. This configuration is useful for scenarios, where unexpected popups in the target application may block certain actions of the parent flow.

A screenshot of a computer
A desktop flow can now be configured to run in parallel with the desktop flow that invoked it

New dedicated Access actions have now been introduced

A new group of dedicated Access actions is now available out of the box, permitting the use of direct Access operations.

A screenshot of a computer
New Access actions are now available to use in desktop flows

Some instance variable types are now supported as input/output variables

Excel, Word and Outlook instance variables are now supported as input/output variables in desktop flows, accommodating the respective variable types when passing information from one desktop flow to another.

A screenshot of a computer
Excel, Word and Outlook variables can now be used as input or output variables

A retry policy can now be applied to the ‘On block error’ action

The action On block error now supports retry policies, as is already the case for individual actions’ error handling. If a retry policy is set and an error occurs, retrying will take place from the beginning of the block.

Get started

Hoping that you will find the above updates useful, please feel free to provide your questions and feedback in the Power Automate Community. If you want to learn more about Power Automate Desktop, get started with the below resources: