Enhancing Network Failure Mitigation with Performance-Aware Ranking


Organized by Usenix

Some faults in data center networks require hours to days to repair because they may need reboots, re-imaging, or manual work by technicians. To reduce traffic impact, cloud providers \textit{mitigate} the effect of faults, for example, by steering traffic to alternate paths. The state-of-art in automatic network mitigations uses simple safety checks and proxy metrics to determine mitigations. SWARM, the approach described in this paper, can pick orders of magnitude better mitigations by estimating end-to-end connection-level performance (CLP) metrics. At its core is a scalable CLP estimator that quickly ranks mitigations with high fidelity and, on failures observed at a large cloud provider, outperforms the state-of-the-art by over 700× in some cases.