Prototyping with Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer

Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction |

Published by ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011 | Organized by ACM


Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer is a new prototyping platform that makes it easier to construct, program and shape new kinds of computing objects. It is comprised of modular hardware, software libraries and 3D CAD support. Together, these elements support the key activities involved both in the rapid prototyping and the small-scale production of custom embedded, interactive and connected devices. We propose to organize and run a studio at TEI 2010 where participants are introduced to the platform and its capabilities. Participants will work in groups, assembling electronic modules, writing software and designing a case or enclosure for their device. The end-result will be that each group develops a fully functional device, which can be exhibited at the TEI demo session.

Prototype with .NET Gadgeteer

.NET Gadgeteer is a platform that allows hobbyists, educators and developers to build and refine prototype electronic devices quickly and easily. Prototypes are built by combining a .NET Gadgeteer central processing unit mainboard with a wide range of pluggable modules that provide different sensing, display, control and communication capabilities. No specialist knowledge of electronics or soldering is required, allowing remarkably quick development and refinement of new concepts and devices.

.NET Gadgeteer

Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer is an open-source toolkit for building small electronic devices using the .NET Micro Framework and Visual Studio or Visual C# Express (the free C# development environment). Gadgeteer combines the advantages of object-oriented programming, solderless assembly of electronics with a kit of peripherals, and support for quick physical form factor construction using computer-aided design. This powerful combination allows embedded and handheld devices to be iteratively designed, built and programmed in a matter of hours rather than days or weeks. Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer has been developed by Microsoft Research in collaboration with the .NET Micro Framework product team. In this demo, we will provide an overview of the various hardware and software elements of the .NET Gadgeteer platform. Moreover, we will present a wide…