Ziria: Wireless Programming for Hardware Dummies

  • Gordon Stewart ,
  • Mahanth Gowda ,
  • Geoffrey Mainland ,
  • ,
  • Dimitrios Vytiniotis

MSR-TR-2013-135 |

Software-defined radio (SDR) brings the flexibility of software to the domain of wireless protocol design, promising both an ideal platform for research and innovation and the rapid deployment of new protocols on existing hardware. However, existing SDR platforms either require careful hand-tuning of low-level code, negating many of the advantages of software, or are too slow to be useful in the real world.

In this paper we present Ziria, the first software-defined radio platform that is both easily programmable and performant. Ziria introduces a novel programming model tailored to wireless physical layer tasks and captures the inherent and important distinction between data and control paths in this domain. We describe an optimizing compiler for Ziria, provide a detailed evaluation, and give a line-rate Ziria implementation of 802.11a/g.

Ziria: Wireless Programming for Hardware Dummies – Part 4

Software defined radios are a powerful tool for experimenting with wireless PHY and MAC layers. At the same time, they are a challenging programming environment, given tight timing constraints imposed. A student who wants to venture in this area of research needs to master computer architecture and hardware, as well as numerous algorithms for signal processing and communication. In this lecture we will talk about Ziria, a programming language and a compiler that we have recently developed to simplify this task. Ziria is a high-level language, specialized for PHY design, that delegates most of the burdensome hardware optimization to the compiler and allows us to keep the code design clean and simple. We will walk through various building blocks of Wifi PHY design and show…

Ziria: Wireless Programming for Hardware Dummies – Part 3

Software defined radios are a powerful tool for experimenting with wireless PHY and MAC layers. At the same time, they are a challenging programming environment, given tight timing constraints imposed. A student who wants to venture in this area of research needs to master computer architecture and hardware, as well as numerous algorithms for signal processing and communication. In this lecture we will talk about Ziria, a programming language and a compiler that we have recently developed to simplify this task. Ziria is a high-level language, specialized for PHY design, that delegates most of the burdensome hardware optimization to the compiler and allows us to keep the code design clean and simple. We will walk through various building blocks of Wifi PHY design and show…

Ziria: Wireless Programming for Hardware Dummies – Part 2

Software defined radios are a powerful tool for experimenting with wireless PHY and MAC layers. At the same time, they are a challenging programming environment, given tight timing constraints imposed. A student who wants to venture in this area of research needs to master computer architecture and hardware, as well as numerous algorithms for signal processing and communication. In this lecture we will talk about Ziria, a programming language and a compiler that we have recently developed to simplify this task. Ziria is a high-level language, specialized for PHY design, that delegates most of the burdensome hardware optimization to the compiler and allows us to keep the code design clean and simple. We will walk through various building blocks of Wifi PHY design and show…

Ziria: Wireless Programming for Hardware Dummies – Part 1

Software defined radios are a powerful tool for experimenting with wireless PHY and MAC layers. At the same time, they are a challenging programming environment, given tight timing constraints imposed. A student who wants to venture in this area of research needs to master computer architecture and hardware, as well as numerous algorithms for signal processing and communication. In this lecture we will talk about Ziria, a programming language and a compiler that we have recently developed to simplify this task. Ziria is a high-level language, specialized for PHY design, that delegates most of the burdensome hardware optimization to the compiler and allows us to keep the code design clean and simple. We will walk through various building blocks of Wifi PHY design and show…