Panel 4: Publishing Content: The Article of the Future

Chair Alyssa Goodman, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University, will lead a panel discussion on the research article of the future. Why is the article of today lacking? How can journal articles feature linked open data? How can we use the way researchers collaborate to create authoring tools? What does the article of the future look like?

Speaker Details

Alex Wade is Director for Scholarly Communication at Microsoft Research, where he oversees a portfolio of researcher-focused products and services to explore emerging trends in the ways that research is disseminated, archived, and re-used. Alex holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from U.C. Berkeley, and a Masters of Librarianship degree from the University of Washington. During his career at Microsoft, Alex has managed the corporate search and taxonomy management services; and served as Senior Program Manager for Windows Search. Prior to joining Microsoft, Alex was Systems Librarian at the University of Washington, and held technical library positions at the University of Michigan and the University of California at Berkeley.

Alyssa Goodman, Alex Johnson, Alberto Pepe, Tiffany Bogich, Tim Clark, Dan Valen, and Alex Wade
Harvard University,, Authorea, Standard Analytics, Harvard Medical School, figshare, Microsoft