Socially-aware Routing for Publish-Subscribe in Delay-tolerant Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  • ,
  • Cecilia Mascolo ,
  • Mirco Musolesi ,
  • Gian Pietro Picco

IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications (JSAC). |

Published by IEEE Press

Applications involving the dissemination of information directly relevant to humans (e.g., service advertising, news spreading, environmental alerts) often rely on publish-subscribe, in which the network delivers a published message only to the nodes whose subscribed interests match it. In principle, publish-subscribe is particularly useful in mobile environments, since it minimizes the coupling among communication parties.

However, to the best of our knowledge, none of the (few) works that tackled publish-subscribe in mobile environments has yet addressed intermittently-connected human networks. Socially-related people tend to be co-located quite regularly. This characteristic can be exploited to drive forwarding decision in the interest-based routing layer supporting the publish-subscribe network, yielding not only improved performance but also the ability to overcome high rates of mobility and long-lasting disconnections.

In this paper we propose SocialCast, a routing framework for publish-subscribe that exploits predictions based on metrics of social interaction (e.g., patterns of movements among communities) to identify the best information carriers.

We highlight the principles underlying our protocol, illustrate its operation, and evaluate its performance using a mobility model based on a social network validated with real human mobility traces.