Real-time 3D Applications on Handheld Devices: Challenges and Trend

IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter | , Vol 6

Developing and appreciating 3D graphics and
animations has become a requirement not only in
research projects, but also in many practical
applications and daily activities, such as
advertising, movies, games, TV, training and
rehabilitation. 3D content has also been integrated
into many social web applications such as Second
Life, GOOGLE and so on. Evolving from
traditional 2D videos, the current development
trend aims toward enriching human viewing
experience by introducing higher dimension
domains. Other than a totally immersive virtual
reality environment, such as the CAVE utilizing
comparatively heavy head mounted and sensing
devices, wearing light-weight 3D glasses is
becoming commonplace, with the added
convenience of enjoying 3D movies at ease in
IMAX theatres and even watching 3D televisions
leisurely at home. Initiated as research goals, many
3DTV hardware and software have been delivered
as commercial products.