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Microsoft Research Lab – Asia

MSRA Collaborative Research 2018 Grant Awards Announcement

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Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) Collaborative Research Program is a vital platform for faculty members in Asia working together with MSRA researchers on mutually interested topics. We aspire to foster talents and establish Microsoft as a valuable research and technology partner for higher education in Asia.

Since the announcement of Call for Proposals in mid-July, there has been a large number of submissions. MSRA Collaborative Research Program Committee carefully reviewed them based on the state-of-the-art and common research interests. Now we are pleased to announce 62 awards. The awardees are from 35 universities and institutes in China mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Singapore.

“MSRA is committed to open collaborative research with academia,” said Dr. Tim Pan, Senior Director of Microsoft Research Asia Outreach. “By the joint force of MSRA and academia, we believe that each of the grants will advance research and inspire innovations to be shared broadly. MSRA will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2018. We look forward to presenting our collaborative projects in celebration events.”

If you have questions, please contact us by email at msrarfp@microsoft.com. Thank you.

2018 Awarded Projects and Awardees (In alphabetical order by awardee’s last name)

CUBLOCK, A Community-united Blockchain Platform
Lei Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Knowledge Powered Deep Visual Understanding
Xilin Chen/Ruiping Wang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

StyleMe: An AI Fashion Consultant for Personal Shopping and Style Advice
Wen-Huang Cheng, Academia Sinica

Automatic Debugging via Leveraging Bug-Inducing Changes
Shing-Chi Cheung, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Combining fMRI and Cortical Electrodes with Real-Time ZCA-Based Hybrid Neural Network Deep Learning Hardware Accelerator to Decode Human Sensorimotor Cortex for Temporal-Spatial Speech Articulation
Herming Chiueh, National Chiao Tung University

Unsupervised Object Discovery and Embedding via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Minsu Cho, POSTECH

Interactive Steering of Outputs of Deep Neural Networks via Dual Learning
Jaegul Choo, Korea University

The End-to-End Framework for Online/Offline Handwritten Math Equation Recognition
Jun Du, University of Science and Technology of China

Anamorphosis-based Naked-eye Stereoscopic Display with Application to Immersive Analytics for Individuals
Issei Fujishiro, Keio University

Development of 3D Capsule Endoscopic System
Ryo Furukawa, Hirhoshima City University

3D Medical Image Segmentation by Multimodal Deep Neural Networks
Winston Hsu, National Taiwan University

Graph Neural Networks for 3D Face Anti-Spoofing
Wei Hu, Peking University

Securing Key-Value Stores with Hardware Trusted Execution Environments
Jaehyuk Huh, KAIST

Question Answering over Long-term Document Archives
Adam Jatowt, Kyoto University

Phase-aware end-to-end text-to-speech system
Hong-Goo Kang, Yonsei University

Hierarchical Prototypical Networks for Learning Discriminative Features and Unsupervised Clustering
Gunhee Kim, Seoul National University

Learning-based, Context-aware Data Management Framework

Capturing Intrinsic Material Appearance via Spectro-Polarimetric 3D Imaging
Min H. Kim, KAIST

Research on Theory and Technology of Hybrid Intelligence of Human-Robot Collaboration Based on Cognitive Computing
Xuguang Lan, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Automated Modeling and Vulnerability Detection of IoT Protocol
Heejo Lee, Korea University

Learning Theory for Statistical Mixtures and Multi-Armed Bandits
Jian Li, Tsinghua University

Complex Matching between Images
Zhouchen Lin, Peking University

The Research on Graph-based Entity Linking Approach
Ming Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology

Explainable Machine Learning with Interactive Visualization
Shixia Liu, Tsinghua University

Locality Sensitive Hashing for Nearest Neighbor Search on Heterogeneous Data
Xianglong Liu, Beihang University

Information Exploration on Large Graphs via Random-walk Based Online Learning Algorithms
John C.S. Lui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Intelligent User Review Mining for App Development
Michael R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Cryptography-based Security Solutions for Internet of Things
Atsuko Miyaji, Osaka University

Marker-less Body Motion Analysis Using Distributed High-speed Cameras
Takashi Miyaki, The University of Tokyo

Creative Reconstruction of Natural Language Text via Degenerate Semantics: with a Particular Focus on Sentence Compression and Summarization
Tadashi Nomoto, National Institute of Japanese Literature

Data-Driven Concolic Testing
Hakjoo Oh, Korea University

Learning to Explore for Deep Reinforcement Learning through Hashing
Sinno Jialin Pan, Nanyang Technological University

Crowd-flow: Discovering and Inferring Crowd Transportation Modes via Cellular Data
Wen-Chih Peng, National Chiao Tung University

Reconstructing the World with Consumer Cameras!
Long Quan, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hololens Based Active Deep Learning for 3D Biomedical Imaging Analysis
Imari Sato/Lin Gu, National Institute of Informatics

Tactoglasses: Eyeglass-type Tactile Information Display Using Higher-level Psychological Perception
Hideyuki Sawada, Waseda University

TouchSurface: Supporting Touch User Interface with Sound on Any Surface
Insik Shin, KAIST

Explainable Machine Learning
Hang Su/Jun Zhu/Bo Zhang, Tsinghua University

Research on Quantum Computing in Theory and Experiments
Guangzhong Sun, University of Science and Technology of China

Automatic Storytelling of 360-degrees Videos
Min Sun, National Tsing Hua University

New Models and Algorithms for Sequence to Sequence Learning
Liwei Wang, Peking University

Establishment and Application of High Accuracy Facial Model and Corresponding Skull Database
Yongtian Wang/Yue Liu/Dongdong Weng, Beijing Institute of Technology

A Method for Controlling Human Hearing by Editing the Frequency of the Sound in Real Time
Hiroki Watanabe, Hokkaido University

Optimizing Quality of Experience (QoE) for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming via Deep Video Analytics
Yonggang Wen, Nanyang Technological University

A Framework for Implementing GPU-based Virtualized Network Functions
Chuan Wu, The University of Hong Kong

Artificial Intelligence Open Source Eco-System Construction
Feng Wu/Xinwei Zheng/Haifeng Liu, University of Science and Technology of China

Enhancing NF Compatibility by State-Manageable NF Development
Wenfei Wu, Tsinghua University

Optimal Location Selection with Visual Analytics
Yingcai Wu, Zhejiang University

AI-inspired Brain Big Data Processing and Analysis
Zhiwei Xiong/Feng Wu, University of Science and Technology of China

A Mobile Edge Platform Offering Deep Learning Services to Nearby Mobile Clients
Fengyuan Xu, Nanjing University

Cross-modality Medical Image Generation with Image-to-image Translation Network
Yan Xu, Beihang University

Towards Multi-Turn Conversational System between Human and Computer in Open-Domain: Context Modeling, Diversity Enhancement and Personalization
Rui Yan, Peking University

Deep Learning-based Anti-spoofing and Adversarial Spoofing Attacks
Sungroh Yoon, Seoul National University

Finding the Hidden DNA of Geographical Regions Using Deep Learning
Yong Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Efficient Deep Neural Networks for Realistic Noise Removal and Beyond
Huanjing Yue, Tianjin University

Enrich Deep Modeling of User Information for Heterogeneous Explainable Recommendation
Min Zhang, Tsinghua University

Deep Representation Learning for Person Re-Identification
Shiliang Zhang, Peking University

Adversarial Training for Discrete Sequence Data Generation
Weinan Zhang, Shanghai Jiao tong University

Multi-sensor Based Screen-Centric Human Computer Interaction
Xin Zhang/Lianwen Jin, South China University of Technology

Stochastic Second Order Methods and Application in Machine Learning
Zhihua Zhang, Peking University

Machine Reading Comprehension via Hierarchical Reasoning Network Learning
Zhou Zhao, Zhejiang University

English Grammar Consistency Detector for MT Output Based on Deep Neural Networks with Grammar Rules
Conghui Zhu, Harbin Institute of Technology