How Ideas Flow across Multiple Social Groups

  • Xiting Wang ,
  • Shixia Liu ,
  • Yang Chen ,
  • Tai-Quan Peng ,
  • Jing Su ,
  • Jing Yang ,

IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST) |

Published by IEEE


Tracking how correlated ideas flow within and across multiple social groups facilitates the understanding of the transfer of information, opinions, and thoughts on social media. In this paper, we present IdeaFlow, a visual analytics system for analyzing the leadlag changes within and across pre-defined social groups regarding a specific set of correlated ideas, each of which is described by a set of words. To model idea flows accurately, we develop a random walk-based correlation model and integrate it with Bayesian conditional cointegration and a tensor-based technique. To convey complex lead-lag relationships over time, IdeaFlow combines the strengths of a bubble tree, a flow map, and a timeline. In particular, we develop a Voronoi-treemap-based bubble tree to help users get an overview of a set of ideas quickly. A correlated-clustering-based layout algorithm is used to simultaneously generate multiple flow maps with less ambiguity. We also introduce a focus+context timeline to explore huge amounts of temporal data at different levels of time granularity. Quantitative evaluation and case studies demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of IdeaFlow.