MSR and Mila Workshop Day 2: Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The MSR and Mila Workshop featured presentations and forward-thinking breakout sessions hosted by Mila professors, students and researchers at Microsoft.

The workshop was an opportunity for Mila professors, students and MSR researchers to share and present what they’re currently working on with the goal of facilitating and building on existing research collaborations between Mila & MSR.

1:50 (opens in new tab)
Towards Hyperparameter-Free Optimization for Modern Machine Learning
Speaker: Simon Lacoste-Julien, Associate Professor, Université de Montréal, Mila

32:50 (opens in new tab)
Successor Feature Sets for Planning and Imitation
Speaker: Geoff Gordon, Partner Researcher, Microsoft Research Montreal

1:02:30 (opens in new tab)
Dialogue as Collaborative Construction of Dataflow
Speaker: Jason Eisner, Partner Principal Researcher, Microsoft Semantic Machines

1:31:43 (opens in new tab)
Breakout Session A: Memory in RL
Speakers: Ida Momennejad, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research
Blake Richards, Assistant Professor, McGill University, Mila
Guillaume Lajoie, Assistant Professor, Université de Montréal, Mila

2:31:55 (opens in new tab)
Breakout Session B: Observe, Remember, and Assist
Speakers: Andrew McNamara, Director of Engineering, Turing
Geoff Gordon, Microsoft Research
Gerald Haslhofer, Microsoft (MMX)
Kaheer Suleman, Microsoft Research
Tim Franklin, Microsoft (MMX)
Tianyu Li, McGill University

3:42:49 (opens in new tab)
Towards Broad and Robust AI
Speaker: Irina Rish, Associate Professor, University of Montreal, Mila

4:12:29 (opens in new tab)
Closing Discussion and Thank You Remarks
Speakers: Professor Yoshua Bengio, Founder and Scientific Director of Mila
Peter Lee, CVP, Research and Incubations, Microsoft Research

Simon Lacoste-Julien, Geoff Gordon, Jason Eisner, Ida Momennejad, Blake Richards, Guillaume Lajoie, Andrew McNamara, Gerald Haslhofer, Kaheer Suleman, Tim Franklin, Tianyu Li, Irina Rish, Yoshua Bengio, Peter Lee
Université de Montréal and Mila, Microsoft Research Montreal, Microsoft Semantic Machines, Microsoft Research, McGill University and Mila, Université de Montréal and Mila, Turing, Microsoft (MMX), Microsoft Research, Microsoft (MMX), McGill University, University of Montreal and Mila, Mila, Microsoft Research

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