Directions in ML: Structured Models for Automated Machine Learning

Automated machine learning (AutoML) seeks algorithmic methods for finding the best machine learning pipeline and hyperparameters to fit a new dataset. The complexity of this problem is astounding: viewed as an optimization problem, it entails search over an exponentially large space, with discrete and continuous variables. An efficient solution requires a strong structural prior on the optimization landscape of this problem.

In this talk, we survey some of the most powerful techniques for AutoML on tabular datasets. We will focus in particular on techniques for meta-learning: how to quickly learn good models on a new dataset given good models for a large collection of datasets. We will see that remarkably simple structural priors, such as the low-dimensional structure used by the AutoML method Oboe, produce state-of-the-art results. The success of these simple models suggests that AutoML may be simpler than was previously understood.

Learn more about the 2020-2021 Directions in ML: AutoML and Automating Algorithms virtual speaker series > (opens in new tab)

Speaker Details

Madeleine Udell is Assistant Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering and Richard and Sybil Smith Sesquicentennial Fellow at Cornell University. She studies optimization and machine learning for large scale data analysis and control, with applications in marketing, demographic modeling, medical informatics, engineering system design, and automated machine learning. Her research in optimization centers on detecting and exploiting novel structures in optimization problems, with a particular focus on convex and low rank problems. These structures lead the way to automatic proofs of optimality, better complexity guarantees, and faster, more memory-efficient algorithms. She has developed a number of open source libraries for modeling and solving optimization problems, including Convex.jl, one of the top tools in the Julia language for technical computing.

Madeleine Udell
Cornell University