Machine Learning Solutions & Services Group

The Machine Learning Solutions & Services (MLSS) Group was born with the rapidly increasing demand on AI-driven digital transformation from a wide range of industrial domains. Inspired by the mission of innovating disruptive AI technologies and even becoming the thought leader in critical industrial verticals, MLSS group has been diving into the following industrial domains through close collaboration with some key partners, i.e., leading companies within respective domains, and identified a couple of crucial research directions:

  • Sustainability
    • Multi-scale neural physical engine
    • Computational PDE
    • Neural DFT
    • Computational materials/catalysis
    • Carbon capture & storage
  • Supply-chain
    • Inventory management
    • Dynamic routing
    • Resource optimization
    • Order fulfillment
    • Demand forecasting
  • Medical
    • Intelligent diagnosis/prognosis
    • Dynamic treatment
    • Counter-factual analysis
    • Patient risk stratification
    • Epidemic trend forecasting
  • Financials
    • Intelligent investment
    • RegTech: anti-money-laundering, anti-fraud
    • Financial sentiment analysis
    • Financial simulation
    • ESG